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  • Ah, when it's being used as a Pokemon, it is! Although nowadays, I don't really use it as a Pokemon so much, it's just one of my Creations, which is like... these monsters that I invent. I actually just sort of call it a Creation now, or a Messenger, which is its name. The typing though was totally created before Victini ever was introduced.

    So's my big ass lazy old dog, ahaha, she sleeps all the time in my room for no reason.

    ...Ingenius. I should've done that, ahaha. Sometimes I'd just not bother to do the homework at all though, math sucks so bad.

    You know a guy that loves Tentacruel? Whoa, weird. Lemme think... Lotad. That's just a random one that came to my mind.
    Really? I must be psychic.

    Ha ha, that does seem you. I'm not really all energetic like that... I'm more like... maybe a lazy dog that sleeps all the time.

    I wish it would! When I did homework... I'd just sort of guess the answers and not bother at all. Put completely random guesses and make up some bullshit work to "show the work" and the teacher didn't actually look over the answers, so it worked.

    It is, but so are many Pokemon... hello Tentacruel! Does anyone ever think of that one?
    Oh my Clock, ahaha, I think I forgot our visitor messages! I'm sorry, I've had a lot and just sort of... forgot which ones I forgot. That totally makes sense.

    So some people call you a wolf? Wolves are pretty neat, but I do think you seem more doggylike, from what I've seen. Wolves seem so... lonerish and wild, I think. They're too wild for me!

    Aah, I love calculators. Sometimes though, I get so lazy that I'm too lazy to even take out the calculator to consult it.

    Oh, it's so sad... they haven't made an evolution. And probably haven't made it more powerful either... maybe the next generation, if there is one, it'll get a bit more love. At the same time though, I keep hoping that they don't screw it up with a bad evo.
    Hmm . . . Think of whatever trait in characters/shows that you like most and search for shows that you'd find such traits in. Then look down the list of associated tropes and find what you're looking for. Most likely it will be there.

    Alternatively, get a troper such as Typh to help you out.
    Fair. I'll leave you to waking up then.

    For some reason my brain works the same from when I wake up to the middle of the day to just before falling asleep.
    Yep. Truly epic shiz at that. :D

    So, have you seen my post in the OS? I think It'd be quite fun to do.
    I kinda figured the tissue out, I coudn't see what else it could be.

    I've just saved that to my giftart folder on my laptop. There's some truly epic shit in there.
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