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  • I did not! It is an image from this pokemon trading card. I usually make avatars out of trading cards.
    I don't know, honestly. I mean, the gameplay looks looks pretty fun, but... I may pass on this one. I certainly won't bash anyone for liking it, but it just doesn't seem like a game I'd be interested in is all.
    Yep. The ending... it could of been worse. I was actually interested in seeing where the series would go, but then, Capcom decided to go backwards with 3 and 4, and now the new AU game.

    Speaking about that, what are your thoughts on the new game: Devil may Cry?
    Loved that game too. I think everyone agrees that 2 was easily the lowest quality one, ha ha ha. I still played it in the HD trilogy rerelease for completions' sake though.
    Asdfghjkl. I never thought of it that way. I mean, I figured Meta Knight was a Kirby, but I guess I never thought about black holes walking about. :0

    Oooo, I noticed Shiver Star being kind of being like a tundra Earth! /observent
    Aw. D: That's alright, though!

    Ah, I see. Well, it's quite alright. I guess I never got around to Final Fantasy that much to recognize the title. >.>

    It's okay, friend! 8D
    "[...] 'tis I, the Autarch of Flames!"

    I believe I've seen you on YouTube
    Supposing you are the same person, of course
    Do you recall making a count down of the top ten nostalgic anime shows, by chance
    well, all the recent games have been Metroid style, everything up to the SNES and the PSP remake of Rondo of Blood were platformers. Apparently the new one coming out on the 3DS is focusing more on platforming as well, which will be nice!

    I actually still haven't gotten the chance to play Lords of Shadow :< i'm not too keen on the God of War style combat, but i'm interested in the story, for sure, not to mention i loved the soundtrack.
    as far as Metroidvania style of play goes, it's a tie among that, Aria of Sorrow and Order of Ecclesia for me. for classic platforming, Rondo of Blood and Bloodlines have to be my favorites.

    strictly speaking though, Symphony of the Night is one of my favorite games of all time hahaha
    i heard, and i hate it. i will keep what i have now until my one month is up. i have something new in mind.

    thanks, though
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