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  • *whimpers and transforms back into human form*
    Okay, I shall be patient.
    *goes into a meditaion trance*
    Umm, that shouldn't be too hard a question:

    Houndoom of course!!!
    *begins running around Richie*
    *begins repeating what is it? really fast*
    Maybe later. I've never really been one for fancy sigs. Thenk you for the offer though!
    Heee~ *waits for it to haa~atch*

    Oh and uh, sorry 'bout the double post, my internet flipped out on me ^_^;
    Wasting my time? If I thought that I would'n have bothered answering! ;P I don't really have any questions. I'm really just hanging around the ASB forums~
    Not at all! It was ages ago, back when I was into making fakemon. Stala was a legendary ice/flying type that ruled the night skies. It was originally just a corrupted contraction of 'star light', but later on I realised it sounded an awful lot like 'stella'. I actually had quite a bit of back story for it.
    Hey, thought I'd tell you this before I go any further...

    So today I was doodling on my paper in ELA, and I started drawing Rainn. ... Then that led to Bakura.
    And that eventually led me to start on this chibi girl that was my interpretation of Richie. I dunno if it will be anything like you pictured, but I thought I'd ask you if you wanted to see it when I'm done. If not, I completely understand. It might mess up your vision of Richie, any ways. But if you want to see it...
    Hee, thank you! I really like spearow so... They certainly get some cool card art!

    Sorry for late reply; I had that DQ post ready for an hour or two, but I had to finish up a rough draft for a paper on entrepreneurship and jazz like that, so, yeah.
    So I'm hoping it can bring at least a nice twist? :D?
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