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  • Fear it! Fear it, I say! I command yeeeeeeeeew!
    (I can't believe I'm making a reference in every one, including this one)
    Oh snap, get your trading cards ready
    Cause we're about to throw down
    Everybody in the place shuffle your f**king deck
    But make sure you dont have an illegal cards
    Or you shall be disqualified
    How about a... Gay elephant... called... Jonathan!
    ^ YGOTAS reference aside, I'll put some thought into it tonight.
    ... I like to think of Celest as a one-shot sort of character ; ;

    Ooooooooooor. . . . . . .

    Pfft. Out of ideas. >~<"

    That sounds epic! Perhaps... A child of Rainn and Baky?! :0
    Perhaps we should just keep it to ourselves right now; the story's kind of difficult to understand if you aren't mentally with it, you know what I mean?
    And zend him ze pictoures!

    ... Oh? Well, I guess we'll have to wait then. It doesn't really effect me as much if he's here or not, but another person does sound cool.
    If he gets accepted, we're gonna have to explain everything that's taken place, and our characters. So a discussion about our characters rings a bell again. Tee hee. >:}
    ... Maaaaaaaaaaybe. Depends if we get, for the lack of better words, "caught in the moment." By that, I mean, if we were in the middle of one of those sob-story exchange times and he were to barge in all happy-pappy and stuff... :/
    ... Hmm.
    Just an out of random request, but in DQ, perhaps a new discussion solely for character sheets? By that I mean just a short personality thing and a picture (if one is available) and stuff like that.

    Or maybe not? It's your call.
    ... :3
    So, in order to make it actually understandable.
    Rainn would have to be, given the fact you're making Richie younger, trapped within a different body. Or perhaps a human with powers? Or maybe just a body-snatching alien, I dunno.
    So, so, uh, could I make Rainn one? Or does it have to be original? Cause I got both covered.
    But I'm the best. >:3

    They seem like pleasant people! I might make a few friends along the way.
    *Sees roleplaying*
    And make a character, dammit.
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