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  • *Turns to him*
    Wait. *Grabs his arm before he leaves*
    Trunks... It's not your fault. I just... Don't like questions like that.
    (Got the personality done...)

    Usually happy and smiling. She can't stand to see people hurt/disowned, and takes great compassion to help them. However, usually if her "patient" is of the opposite sex, they tend to be awkward in her kindness. She is completely oblivious to personal space during her helping-mode, and sees nothing wrong in getting close to them or in strange positions if necessary.
    When in battle, she is ruthless and scornful.
    However, her emotional boundaries are very weak. People fighting usually results in her sobbing for not being friendly to each other, and can be very, very angry at her friends if they betrayed or hurt one of her other friends.
    Also dislikes talking about her being a ghost and her past. Usually falls very quite when asked about it.


    *Gets up*
    I...I hope the berry helps, Trunks. *Begind to walk away*
    Looks like I have to do it if I want to find out.
    *sips tail*

    OMG this tastes like honey! Have a try *points tail to spunky*
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