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  • Oooh...I'm going to have an English test tomorrow. I always have good grades at it, but I should check a page or two.
    well,I'm not horrible at Math, it's just that my mom thinks that I should be MATH PRODIGY and stuff.
    Yep, sure!
    I will PM you it. In the 'reply' box, the quote will have the code. Copy and paste it into your sig.
    And please give credit for the banner. If you really want I can give you the BBCode, if you can't do it.
    10 facts abut you: 1. You are reading this post 2.You are realizing that is a stupid fact 4.you didn't notice I skipped three.5 You're checking now 6. You're smiling 7.You are still reading my post 9 You didn't realize I skipped eight 10. You're checking again and smiling about how you fell for it again. 11. You are enjoying this 12. You didnt realize there are only supposed to be ten facts.
    You know you don't have to link the Soupfish banner. You can use
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