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  • Yeah, sounds awesomesaucy! :D!

    (And lol, I thought the autocorrect was intentional)
    And I'll need a few months at best... To let my thoughts collect and stuff, you see.
    ... Okay. Whatever you say.
    Oh, but HEY. Before it ends, perhaps near the end... I want Rainn to split from her host. For the best. :| I mean, she'll keep the body, and he'll just be... gone, I guess.
    D: A stomach virus! I hope you get well soon!

    Nya! I'll try to figure out something! I coud probably use my phone to get on TCoD for a little while everyday, but I won't be able to upload images using my phone (I don't think...)

    *hugs you* It'll be okay, Richie! I'll try to figure out something!
    D: But... that's my favorite job!
    It can't be that hard to bringmy USB up here for images!
    Hmm... I wonder if the home computer still works...
    My absolute final day of school is May 9th, which is also my birthday! :D
    I'm going to miss you if I'm not going to be able to get on during the summer :'(
    A conversation about Pokémon? Hmmmmmm.
    I like Chandelure. :x It is a Ghost type. It looks like a chandelier. Hmmmmmm.

    Oh, life... Eh. Pretty much normal.
    And food's good.
    *hands fromac over the Internet*
    Yeah... :(
    I'm still at the library right now, at least for a few more minutes...
    But if you want me to upload anything else, just leave me a message about it and I'll get to it when I can.
    I can't do any right now, due to this being a School computer and not having a flash drive with me...
    If I get on at school again,I'll try toremember my Flash Drive.

    Other than that... :(
    Also, my previous comments about using images without permission still stands - please only use images if you have permission from the creator or if they're allowing free use of their stuff. You should also give credit unless they specify it's not needed.
    In that vein, you really shouldn't be direct-linking (or hotlinking) from people's websites, photobucket albums, etc. because it uses other people's bandwidth for hosting those images. The easiest solution to this is to open your own image hosting account (I use photobucket, but there are others) and upload your images to that and getting your own URLs.
    well in lieu of Negrek's recent thread about how long threads don't really do anything that affects the forums errors unless they're really obscenely long, it's not something we're really worrying about anymore (you may have noticed the relevant sticky is no longer up). in all likeliness it's probably that you view the thread more often than others and you experience server errors on that thread because of it.
    Did you get my other message about the pictures?
    Do you have any more for me to upload? :3
    [Except you'll have to specify for which wiki now :P]
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