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  • Yes. I know. But posting a request here is pointless, and it should be posted in the shop. I saw that you actually did post in the shop, and sent you the egg. Have fun with it. It should hatch in a few days.
    Ok. I posted 2. Is it the one regarding Karis' Jigglypuff? And can I leave the thing about possibly making Trainer Cards?
    O.o I have no idea as to what you are talking about. I am a guy, and you are allowed to read whats in the spoiler, if that is what you mean
    Yes. My preferred pronoun is he, for I am a guy. And before you ask
    And that art was actually created out of randomness. =P
    Be sure NOT to remove anything but 131. Replace 131 with the dex number of the Pokemon you want. If it is a Kanto one, put 025 for example. It should look like this. Copy and paste this in if you have to. [IMG]. And the bank link, I'll look into that in a bit. And feel free to check out my new album, "The story of a random piece of artwork I decided to make". It's based on my soon-to-be Wi-Fi team. =D
    EDIT: I've fixed the link now. =D
    A) Check in the first post. There's a hide tag like this: Starters saying Starters or something. Look there. B) I'm terrible at RPing myself. This is the first one I've joined! =P
    If you had read the discussion correctly, you would notice that the old shop shut down, and a new one was open. You have not lost any fi$h, but you will not be able to get a venonat. We do have a variety of other cool eggs in the new shop.
    A) What Lapras? But use the
    noparse] and it should come up with an image. So it goes like: [IMG] It should turn out like this: [IMG] B) Your FJ bank account is totally different to your Safari Zone account. Here's a link to the Bank and Here's a link to the PC Follow the instructions on the first posts, but go to the bank first. =P
    Sure! I'm the world's worst spriter, but it's worth a shot! If you want to see my terrible sprite, go to the thread marked Sabrago, Desert Ruler.
    The Safari Zone is a forum game based upon catching Pokemon. To create an account, search for their forum, then go into "Facilities", and then "The Bank", look on the first page. Pick a starter from there (I picked Mudkip) and post saying you would like an account and what starter you want. Be sure to keep on checking back to the first post because I didn't know about my account until 2 weeks after it had been made. =P
    Profile pic or avatar?
    The profile pic? I don't remember where I got it. :sweatdrop:
    The avatar is from here.
    You can migrate from any 4th Gen game and that is the only way to connect with them. There's no battling or trading, and 5th Gen Pokemon simply cannot enter 4th Gen games. (I was listeneing to a metal remix of the Black and White End Credits theme, but then YouTube died on me)
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