• Welcome to The Cave of Dragonflies forums, where the smallest bugs live alongside the strongest dragons.

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    Of course I'm not forcing you to do anything if you don't want to, but seriously, what have you got to lose? Five seconds of your life?

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  • Ah, it's okay. It did take me quite a while to get a Steam account and a working laptop after all.

    And if you're okay with it, I'd love it if you did. Also, know me as KaiLucifer. Figures, eh?
    Why hello there. I believe you currently have something you've been saving for me. Something . . . steamy
    Hmm, he sounds familiar, but I just can't seem to remember him from somewhere.
    Host of a couple TV shows I watch, he's the main character in Community.
    Yellow bird, up in the banana tree
    Yellow bird, up in the banana tree
    Do not go away, do not fly off the
    Do not go away, do not fly off the
    Do not go away now

    Green bird, the tree up in the cucumber
    Green bird, the tree up in the cucumber
    Do not go away, do not fly off the
    Do not go away, do not fly off the
    Do not go away now

    Red Bird, the up in the tree tomato
    Red Bird, the up in the tree tomato
    Do not go away, do not fly off the
    Do not go away, do not fly off the
    Do not go away now

    Brown bird, the chocolate up in the tree
    Brown bird, the chocolate up in the tree
    Do not go away, do not fly off the
    Do not go away, do not fly off the
    Do not go away now

    Bird orange, up in the tree ffanta
    Bird orange, up in the tree ffanta
    Do not go away, do not fly off the
    Do not go away, do not fly off the
    Do not go away now
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