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  • (Probably. But now most people seem to be saying: "FINALLY IDIOT AMERICANS GOT SENSE KNOCKED INTO RETARDED HEADS." Bleh. Still pisses me off.)

    Oh wow. ;;Finds this amusing;; Ahahaha~ I want an Obama bobble head, if only because it would be so funny looking.
    11th graders are 16 and 17. I think.

    And I know you didn't, I just said that I was just touchy about it~ I meant that I'm sort of paranoid and see "Dumb American" in a lot of places when talking to Worlders.

    We're on... what part were we on? Umm Andrew Jackson. Yeah. That dude. And his presidency.
    Umm... I think years and grades work differently. ;;Shaky on the details;;

    Well we have World History. Then American History. I don't know why, but they choose to do it that way. ;;Touchy about being called a dumb American;;

    Yeah I know. Just got... confused for a bit. It's a LOT of languages all over the place.
    No. I took Biology in Freshman year. (9th Grade.) Anatomy is HUMAN ANATOMY. All the parts and whatnot of the human body.

    It's an elective. Or something.

    We had World History last year. I already learned about that. First you take World History. Then American History. Good GOD you Worlders are so quick to jump are how OBLIVIOUS Americans are to the rest of the world.

    I'm a Junior in High School, 11th grade.
    I have:


    Umm... Aiding. Which is where I basically shelve books and do stuff for the library and they give me community service hours, which I NEED to graduate. I don't do anything, not much.

    Spanish (PFFT EASY)


    English AP (AP = Advanced Placement. Really rigorous classes, those)

    American History AP

    And Psychology AP

    And those are ALL my subjects. Yes. That's it.
    French, German, and Latin is taught in Welsh? ;;Does not understand how that works;;

    WOW. ;;Kisses American School System;; I love you~
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