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Not Meowth
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  • ...Aren't you a guy? o.o How do men get preggers? I'M SO CONFUUSED D:

    Me: “Hi there.”

    Customer: *smiles* “I got out o’ rehab yesterday. I was in fer 16 weeks! I was in fer the drink.”

    Me: “Oh, right…”

    Customer: “I went fer a drink to celebrate last night, just 1 or 2 ya know. I got carried away and woke up in a hospital the’ mornin, tubes in ma nose and s***. They brought me back 9 times.”

    Me: “9 times… they resuscitated you?!”

    Customer: “Yeah, I’ve died a few times now. Been hit by 12 cars, been through 4 windscreens… in all been brought back over 30 times a think.”

    Me: “…”

    Customer: “What’s that thing with lotsa lives?”

    Me: “A cat?”

    Customer: No, more than a cat… oh wait, yeah! They call me the cat! But I have more than a cat… they call me Supercat!”

    Me: “Don’t you think you should cut back on the drinking?”

    Customer: “Och, I just gotta stick to ma limits and no drink 3 litres. 1 litre is ma limit!”
    JUST READ A FANFI-*universe implodes*
    D'awwww. =3

    Customer: “I need to return this toothbrush.”

    Me: “Do you have a receipt?”

    Customer: “No - I thought it would work.”

    Me: “How did it not work?”

    Customer: “Well, it said it had indicator bristles, and when I peed on them they didn’t change color! How is it supposed to indicate if I’m pregnant or not?!”

    Me: “Ma’am…they’re to indicate whether the toothbrush needs replacing, not whether you’re pregnant.”

    Customer: *looks sheepish and leaves*

    Me: *to manager* “I’m going on break now…”

    ....And how do pregnancy sticks look like toothbrushes? o.o
    I didn't know until I bought a book on English grammar.

    Although... I deemed the reason for which I hadn't heard of it before was due to my Welshieness. YOU ON THE OTHER HAND. YOU. ENGLISH. YOU HABE KEINE EXCUSE
    Just read a-*shot*
    Yeees. But the erotic films are in Venezuela.

    (A guy comes in looking a bit haggard.)

    Me: “Hi sir! Can I help you find something?”

    Customer: “Let’s move to the back of the store.”

    (He takes my arm and we walk to one of the last shelves of the store.)

    Customer: “I need a book on immortality.”

    Me: “All right - we’ve got science fiction over here…”

    Customer: “No, I need to research immortality. I’m immortal. See this scar on my neck? A guy cut me a couple days ago and it’s almost healed. I’m immortal.”

    (I stare at the large cut on his neck that is laced together with stitches).

    Me: “Um, I’m not sure if we have any books like that.”

    Customer: “Well, can you buy me a sword from the store next door?”

    Me: “I’m sorry, I’m not allowed to do that.”

    Customer: “I promise I’ll pay you back. I’ll give you my ID so you can track me down later and everything. I need a sword.”

    Me: “Really, I could get fired for that.”

    (The customer looks up and then starts sniffing the air.)

    Customer: “They’re coming. I have to go!” *runs out of the store*

    You said to carzyrocketboy that he shouldn't mind be because I'm Welsh.

    Also in that last message I almost wrote "Welshie" and split an infinitive.
    ...*smacks you over the head*
    You have no taste. >.>
    Yes. It's also extremly O.o-worthy.

    Me: “Thank you for calling ***, how can I help you today?”

    Caller: “Do y’all sell erotic films?”

    Me: “… No, sir.”

    Caller: “Hmm. You know where I can get some bullets?”

    Me: “Nowhere within a hundred miles of here!” *click*
    Its not the pots that get me, its the time she hides behind the washing machine and shoots. I cannot go through that without getting hit once, and at that time I had saved it so I had one hitpoint left. @-@

    Damn, puzzles are annoying. Oh well.
    So you have a clean mind?
    *coughhardtobelievecough* But anyway..have you heard of notalwaysright.com?

    Patron: “I was trying to go to a website, and a message popped up that said, ‘This website may be trying to harm your computer. Do you want
    to continue?’”

    Me: “That’s just a warning message. If you know the website, you can just click ‘OK’.”

    Patron: “Yes, I know the website. My friend made it. I don’t think that message is very nice.”

    Me: “I assure you it’s nothing personal. That message just appears on websites the computer doesn’t recognize.”

    Patron: “Well, it’s not nice. That message scared me about my own friend’s website. Do you know somebody you can talk to about that?”

    Me: “The system’s warning message?”

    Patron: “Yes.”

    Me: “Of course. I’ll send them an e-mail about it right now.”

    (I pretend to type on my laptop until she leaves.)
    Heh, seen a review of that, it doesn't seem too bad.

    I saved every single time I hit her. @_@ She was a pain.
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