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  • Who in God's name said atheists automatically go to hell?

    *essential Catholic message* Jesus died for EVERYONE, not just Catholics or theists.
    Meh, Tom got mario kart for his birthday while I got pbr for mine. ^^ I'm not sure on what to get next, maybe my pokemon ranch so my two boxes of aipom can have a home.

    Ah, good luck with it! ^^
    Not during Lent.

    On Sunday I'm so stuffing my face with as much meat as I can get to make up for the last six weeks.
    um...what?! On an equally random note, I translated the lyrics of never gonna give you up, into german and then back again!
    Were no strangers to love
    You know the rules and so do I
    A complete, what the thinking of
    You wouldnt it from another man

    I want to tell you how the feeling
    You gotta understand

    Never gonna give you
    Never Gonna after
    Never Gonna run around and desert
    Never Gonna make you cry
    Never gonna say goodbye
    Never Gonna lie and hurt you

    Weve know each other so long
    Their hearts are aching
    But you too shy to say it
    Inside we both know what has been
    We know the game and were gonna play it

    And if you ask me how the feeling
    Dont tell me youre too blind to see

    Never gonna give you
    Never Gonna after
    Never Gonna run around and desert
    Never Gonna make you cry
    Never gonna say goodbye
    Never Gonna lie and hurt you

    Enter. enter
    Enter, enter
    Never Gonna give
    Never gonna give, give you
    Never Gonna give
    Never Gonna give you five to

    I want to tell you how the feeling
    You gotta understand

    Never gonna give you
    Never Gonna after
    Never Gonna run around and desert
    Never Gonna make you cry
    Never gonna say goodbye
    Never Gonna lie and hurt you

    Never gonna give you
    Never Gonna after
    Never Gonna run around and desert
    Never Gonna make you cry
    Never gonna say goodbye
    Never Gonna lie and hurt you

    Never gonna give you
    Never Gonna after
    Never Gonna run around and desert
    Never Gonna make you cry
    Never gonna say goodbye
    Never Gonna lie and hurt you

    Especially the baked chicken one.

    Darn it now I want meat but it's a Friday and I'm a (nominal at this point) Catholic.
    We have mario and sonic at the olimpic games, and mario kart (which I cannot get the hang of). My brother is also borrowing smash brothers for a while, but he has to give it back tomorow, I think.

    Heh, I ended up having to play the gameboy version on a rom, and saved it before I got through a tricky part to make sure I didn't die. I ended up with 99 lives that way, but it was very boring.
    Nu. Unless they're thinking of showing Back and Forth. ;~;
    Just proof. The internet has a perverted mind. But I get "massive change" over here.
    Massive cleavage is the third.
    Fine. I have a wii now and pokemon battle revolution so that has been taking my time. I'm sick of running into ubers, but I am slowly learning how to kill them with my quagsire and cradilly.
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