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  • Oooh, welll counties I've been in, and not travelled though, are Cornwall, Devon, London, Derbyshire, Cheshire, Staffordshire, Herefordshire... God knows where else, those are just the ones I know from a list. xD haha.

    Meeeep, I'm so jealous of you going out of Europe.
    I've been to... Some places? Ermmm, I can't think. xD France, Spain, Germany, Russia (the Europe part xD), errrm, those islands off of Spain that I've forgotten the names of... Italy... Can't think of any more... Well, at least I've been out of England, right? (: haha. And I was guessing we weren't including silly countries that are part of the UK... Because I've been to all of them. xD

    (Ooooh, don't worry, I think that's the last thing on my list. xD aha. N'aaaaaaaaw, why don't you want to be pregnant?)
    Yeaaaah, I haven't been to Oxfordshire either! D:
    Nooo idea where I've been in our country, but I've been to plenty of places in Europe. =D Though never out of Europe, which is a shame... =[

    Ahhh, I'm jealous my famous person lived like... A million years ago. So I could never meet him! XD haha.
    I think we actually had a few more people... Oh wow, looking at Wiki (even though it's probably lying to me) we used to have someone who was the richest person in Britain at one time, yay!
    And some other people like Wilfred Owen (poet)... Jeez, why are all these guys dead? haha.

    (Oooh I see! Why didn't I think of that!??! Well, lucky me, I can soon legally get pregnant, yaya! XD)

    Oooh, famous person is Charles Darwin, he waaaaaay changed the way people think, so he must count or something, am I right? (:
    Thanks, you too! (: I only have two exams this week, fortunately. eheeehe.

    ahaha. Chavs are amazing in a very un-amazing way. XD
    I liiiive in Shropshire, you know, the county right next to Wales... Though thankfully we aren't cool enough to have Welsh accents. ehehe, though that would be pretty funny!
    My town is... Pretty? I don't know, it's liiiike really... Ermmm... Pretty? Actually, that's true, it's known for being the town of flowers, the birth place of a famous guy annnd it looks pretty medieval. I don't think it's known for anything else? xD haha.

    Though we have the occasionaly one chav, which makes us pretty awesome.

    (Ooooh, I never knew there was an age limit for that? D:)
    You haven't? I'm going to buy one on the day I turn sixteen. That's how cool I am. Haha.

    Yesh, the country is pretty amazing; I live in a really nice town actually. (:
    And a meal sounds pretty fun, I haven't been out to eat in a whiiiiiile. D:

    Aha, I should really care about my exams, but I'm too relaxed to bring myself to revise. It doesn't help my motivation that I seem to do well without revision. Bleh, I'm going to fail my ASs next year. xD

    (Of course we were talking about the lottery, what else would it be? ;P)
    Yeah, I guess so.

    I never have purchased something online. Maybe I should one day. XD
    Then we should have exactly the same channels, just on different numbers.

    Do you get S4C~ on English sky?
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