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  • Yep!

    Also I already had a plan to get rid of them... it involved my witchcraft with the beheaded bodies you provide me with, remember?
    Yes but see, Cardiff has one of the highest seagull populations in Europe, so we know a thing or two about birds.
    And yet you haven't responded.

    [pretendstrikeoutworks]I have some if you want.[/s]

    If pigeons are anything like seagulls, there's no problem.
    [pretendstrikeoutworks]I have some if you want.[/s]

    If pigeons are anything like seagulls, there's no problem.
    What if you put porn of sonic characters as your desktop?

    As for the pigeons? They shouldn't have that much of an effect; the fact that they rebuilt many aspects of their infrastructure, post-Korean war is astounding. I think if they can cope with conditions such as that, and still have a nuclear programme at the same time would show that there is no risk to their economy. -relative to the risk of other countrys' economies during this time.
    and you call me weird....
    anywho, I'd better get going for my dinner.
    I'll hopefully be back on in about 30 mis.
    I would like to have an engaging conversation with you. I will if you're willing.
    I'll send you the sound files if you want?

    And what's this picture your mum mistook to be porn but wasn't?
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