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  • Well, I have Mew's data thanks to Butterfree.

    138 isn't that bad. Which ones didn't you have?
    Most of them. I already had things like Geodude and Magikarp.
    I migrated most of them, then.

    (I have one of each between Bulbasaur and Rayquaza, except Mew and Celebi)
    Sorry for the long while it's taken me to reply. I should visit this place more. >.>

    Ehe, nope, I have no Wii or PS2. But that game sounds amusing. Is there any way you can hurt the annoying little bug?

    I had a pretty fun Christmas, thanks. I got a book about fencing, a book called The Devious Book for Cats and some clothes, among other, smaller things. :3 How was yours? And happy new year, by the way. I spent mine watching interesting programmes with my family, including my aunt, uncle and cousins - and we saw this awesome Jonathon Creek new year special - ever seen one of his programmes? I don't think I had 'til I saw that one, but it was way cool. And quite creepy in an interesting way. :D
    Can we have a discussion about something sensible.

    And by sensible I mean sensible AND something you didn't make up.
    Oh, and if you could e-mail me the link to your forums, that'd be great. Thanks.
    I can think of a few other people I'd prefer running over with a vehicle. In fact, because of them, I'm sick of tCoD, so I'm leaving for an indefinite period of time.

    If you wish to contact me, my AIM screen name is Zim Del Invasor. If you want to contact me through e-mail or MSN Messenger, my e-mail is trogdor36215@yahoo.com.

    Goodbye, at least until things get better.
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