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  • Well, the problem with Glalie is that there's no real way to have it own a hand mirror... Then again, Badd did say, at the credits roll, that he intended to "retire" it.

    AA cases do seem to make good arenas. I even thought of making one based on the DL-6 incident, where one could trigger the case's events by using Earthquake. Actually, an arena I made and am currently battling on, named A City Ablaze, was inspired by Turnabout Ablaze.

    And, though I forgot to comment on it earlier, I thought the fact you nicknamed a Gastly after Von Karma was probably a reference to the fact he's probably dead, but, so to say, his spirit lives on.
    Actually, GumshoeUrsa miwould probably spend the extra money on steak lunches and little sausage weenies; he could live offa those.

    ...yeah x3
    Looking up Inner Focus, I've come across Glalie and Dragonite, who, respectively, possess a deadly stare and is in general awesome (not to mention quite strong physically).

    And since you have most of the Pokémon nicknamed after important AA characters, it would be up to them to stop Alba from leaving the arena. It'd be even more awesome, though, if said arena was the Allebahstian(sp?)/Babahlese embassy with the events of Case 5 occouring in the background.

    Well, the Yatagarasu stuff isn't all that shady -- they are, after all, a noble thief (with one wicked leg). Never losing his cool makes me think of Inner Focus, now that I think about it. And Badd is certainly not a lazy folk, which makes a comparison to the Slakoth line not that appropriate.

    I'm also thinking of getting a Caterpie to call Colias Palaeno (since it's the name of a butterfly species). It'd be epic to have Colias and Alba fight.
    Hitmonchan feels similar somehow.

    Specially because it can have Keen Eye, and Badd is described as being an "eagle-eyed homicide det". Though Iron Fist is an ability I'd rather use.
    Not just the pauses, but there's also the fact he tends to belittle others, specially younger people. And there's also the fact that, according to his jacket, he's been in many a gunfight (additionally, according to The Judge, he never loses his cool, even in a gunfight), so, he's probably experienced with dangerous situations and, well, battles.

    A Fighting-type would probably make a good match. Then again, I already have three of these. But, if it's for the sake of naming someone after Badd, I'll have one more.
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