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  • Actually, lots of people suspected Alba. I find his bitter old man gambit to be pretty paper-thin. What isn't predictable, though, is the form he takes when he starts being accused. Though he might be offended by this filthy word, he's one magnificent bastard.

    True that. I also noticed right now that an ice-type who "never loses their cool"... Well, let's just say it's one incredibly lame pun.
    Yeah, that makes sense.

    I think it's the other way around; perhaps he was meant for a more naïve player to dislike or maybe even suspect at first, only to eventually notice he's awesome. Like Colias' innocence makes you think he's shifty until it turns out he's much more of a victim than a suspect.

    Also, I noticed another similarity between Glalie and Badd. Glalie has several holes (or structures similar to holes) in its body; Badd's jacket has several holes. Not to mention Snorunt wears a coat, and I could try making a sprite of that with holes.
    Well, the Gastly line actually fits this idea, if you think about it.

    Perhaps not exactly tyrannical, but he does have some sort of... Authority. He even managed to force Fransizka into behaving.
    Then again, it wouldn't be as appropriate once it evolved.

    Well, when I thought about making that arena, I wanted to make sure I'd use Earthquake just to trigger the events. The fun part is that, along with all other consequences, the earthquake detroyed a large portion of the courthouse, and a courthouse that's about to be pulled down is just one really badass place to have a battle.

    I seriously need to be less addicted to AII, for a second I thought you meant Manny Coachen. Well, speaking of AAI, it certainly depicts Von Karma as being destructive in a less direct manner, as he feigns kindness towards Edgeworth and even intentionally pulls ironic remarks; Tyranitar still sounds adequate because of how it looks threatening and carries a strong reputation, though. And calling Manfred a Magikarp would earn you more than savage whipping, it would trigger anything from brutal tazering to an elaborate assassination plot.

    EDIT: I've seen it written somewhere that "Tyrell" and "Tyrant" are similar words, and thus, this might have been part of Badd's name pun. "Tyrant" also reminds me of something else... Which was mentioned in the paragraph above this one.
    They were always there. Rather, it's better to adopt the license for an unwanted Sneasel than bring another license into the world.

    At least, that's how it works in ASB.
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