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  • I find it to be slightly similar to Interesting People, actually. Except it's a lot cooler.
    It's not terrible or anything, but the rest of the AAI songs are much better.
    One I can't seem to recall is Cammy Meele's theme. Compared to the usually awesome AAI music, it's a lot lacking in quality.
    I'm pretty sure it's a tad more tense than the Cornered music. Though I might be recalling it wrong. The best Cornered theme is probably the one from AJ, so it's the one I recall best.
    Well, every game had its awesome tunes. Hotline of Fate, for example, just set the mood perfectly.

    Only at a few specific points, unless you count the inner monologue, which expresses their opinion of the events right as they happen.
    So do I.

    Well, there's no such thing as a narrator most of the time, so, the events and people are for the player to interpret. Nobody tells you what's supposed to be bad and what's supposed to be good; in fact, often, I feel like the writers sometimes intentionally place things some people will judge differently from others.

    A good example is Dahlia Hawthorne. I've actually seen plenty of people who are willing to justify her acts because of her terrible upbringing, while some others are less forgiving toward her deeds.
    Badd's theme is the best, hands down. But yeah, most of the songs are good, and Kay's theme isn't an exception.

    One thing I like about the AA series is how they make things open to interpretation. It's why it tends to create discussion and abnormal amounts of fanfiction (though that's probably mostly due to the shipper-friendly aspect).
    Like I said, almost Von Karma like. Lang isn't really concerned with making sure every single thing goes right like Manfred is; he just wants to arrest the first suspicious person that shows up, and he doesn't need to kill in order to do that.

    Best character theme ever belonging to Kay? Well, if an old man suddenly beats you into unconsciousness with a lollipop, don't say I didn't warn you (even though I didn't).
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