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  • *confused*

    Also, I'm drawing Kratos right now because I am currently on a ToS-induced high.

    He has the most ungodly complicated outfit ever.

    BUT I'm drawing him from the back. And from the back, he has the most ungodly boring outfit ever.
    Nope, Wendy has a song that's pretty much her theme song (Noisy People).
    Like I said, Interesting people is cooler that Butz's T&T theme.
    *makes a jello and ham sandwich*

    Oh, they'll find some other animals to abuse. In ancient times, rich Asians used dragons as transportation.
    Wh- *smacked* Hey, it's delicious, you know? ...You know what screw it. *chews crossly*

    Only the rich can afford pandas.

    (Also I just googled "why" for the hell of it, and the first thing that popped up was "why can't I own a Canadian". I just thought it was funny.)
    Mmkay. If you could be so kind as to alert the others...?

    Very expensive, yes. It's a ham and jello sandwich. *nods*

    I dunno, apparently the Japanese culture is very influenced by Western culture, so...? Or maybe I remembered wrong.
    And pshhh, Asians don't need to learn to drive. Even if we did, it'd never work out well- *shot*
    OUT OF CURIOSITY during that whole Trucy/Ema/Kay fight thing we had why did you not mention Maya she's also utterly adorable :<
    Wait, so you want the soupbattle to be continued? Or do you want the soupbattle to be dropped?

    Well, alright, but your sandwich will be worth $20 instead of $18.

    Well, I guess it's a matter of fitting the lyrics into the rhythm.
    The one that plays for Larry Butz, Ernest Amano and probably a couple others I'm missing.
    Hey, Mike. I'm really reluctant to do this, since it'll be the first battle I've dropped, but yeah, since I'm starting to get CTS and I don't want it to worsen, I'll have to drop one of your battles. Do you have a preference about which should be continued?

    My offer = me?

    Basically all, actually.
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