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  • Sounds like rather a lot of fun. :D Ooh, those words are cute. Yes, I just said the words are cute. *coughs* Ehe. It's, uh, because I'm a linguist. Or a training linguist. I guess.

    Oh, that's interesting. "I have intentions of eating this whole Easter egg before six because is delicious!"

    'Tis a neat sentence. Also, I have my immature moments too. Ahaha. :D Yay for immature only-just-adults, I guess.

    I'm doing French and German, hopefully. I love languages - they're a lot of fun to learn and speak.

    Damn. Sorry! D: I hope you had a great one. With cake. Also cards.
    What are you doing online at gone 4am, anyways? I'm procrastinating on an essay - what's your excuse? :p

    Big the freaking Cat. I hated that guy with the firey passion of something firey and passionate. Quite a few of the Sonic characters annoyed me, but none of them came close to him.

    Yes, Meg is indeed the one with the frogs. Mildly annoying voice, but epic character design. Who's the Grass Witch (or similar) with the massively overpowered attack? I liked her, too.

    I think a rota might be needed for the hat and poncho. Especially over special occasions. :D
    I wish people dressed like anime/RPG characters every day. I make an effort, but it's not the same if the rest of the world doesn't try, too.

    I know; I've got a whole ton of games to play, too. I beat the Elite Four on SoulSilver earlier this evening, and I probably won't get AAI until I finish it (I really want it very badly, though - I've managed to avoid all spoilers, but it just sounds go fantastic), and I got The World Ends With You recently and am yet to play it at all - have you played it?

    FFI and II are quite fun - not as good as the more recent games, but SO much better than III. I greatly dislike III.
    OKAY I finally got them all over. that took a bit but o/

    I don't have a ps2... I'd get all kinds of FF games and KH and... ... stuff? yes. they're probably dirt cheap by now... but then I don't even play the consoles we do have :B I've worn out nearly three DS lites, though; stupid hinge-break problem.

    I think GS5 doesn't even have a release date in Japan, sigh. What's your favorite case out of all five games? Mine is probably 1-3... idk why. It'd probably be 2-4 if I wasn't spoiled by it beforehand :B
    Actually I just finished my assignment. So thar. :P

    Now I shall celebrate by drinking booze and failing to notice when a random Screech shatters my glass, resulting in cuts all over my face.
    Pollon! That's the one! His voice is so great XD

    I love turn-based strategy (hellooooo Disgaea!), and LA is brilliant fun. I played it non-stop for like two days lat year, then couldn't beat a boss (a robot-girl of some kind?), got angry, and gave up. I need to get better at games.

    Theo IS adorable. Except it took me waaaaay too long to realize he was a guy. He looks and sounds so much like a girl! I want his big poncho-thing :D

    I forget her name, and she might well be Vivi the irritating one, but there's a small girl with a giant mushroom-shaped hat? I want the hat, too :3

    I haven't played the second game - is it good? Haha, well done on your flagrant thwarting of the system! Fight the power!
    I could stare at the spinning Edgey in your sig for way too long.

    Also, I am noticing a distinct presence of Luminous Arc in your general... ness. That was an epically fun game. Never finished it, though. I liked the walrus-thing, it was so, so cuuute. <3
    BLARGHHH I have to make this comic for a math assignment

    But the program we have to use




    Ha, seven's fine. Like I mentioned in the bank thread, I have many bux cause I never evolve any and rarely go anywhere (I have too much to take care of re: my two areas and balancing the bank thread to wait for other people, besides my love for Kanto's so it's easier to just cherry-pick from the bst thread), so~

    I finished AAI recently! That's on your list to finish, riiiiiight~? |Db
    Kanto pokémon are indeed my thing, and I will totes take persian! name your price~

    I love the opening song to... I'm pretty sure it's 2 (KANA - Unlimited World, if you're interested). You should play Nostalgia, if you're any bit fond of steampunk! (There's swords and guns and ~airships~ and giant guns and giant swords on your giant airship. And it's set in Victorian England. Yeah.) As well as any I mentioned here you haven't played. Yup. <3 ds games~
    ... Several of many? ... Oh, I see. I'll take the bellsprout from Headbutt Forest, the pidgey and spearow from Ilex Forest, and the oddish from the Limestone Caverns. :D
    I won't. I'll ninjatoe anything that gets in my way.

    Derp. I think I was going to add you, but I guess I forgot. OTL
    ... Uh. What was your MSN again?
    :0 That sounds like something I would do.

    If it's not an eye-hurtingly-flourescent purple, then it's fine. God, I swear half the Copics are straining on the eye.
    I actually know very little about Luminous Arc. :'D I've only watched my brother play it a few times.
    Because it's mean.

    Screw it, I never take precautions due to any injuries I have anyway. Thus why I tried to sprint that one time with a sprained ankle. :P
    But now the biggest problem. I have a lack of purples in my marker set.
    ... OTL
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