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  • there was a dude I ate lunch with last year. He was three years older than me (being 17 where I was 14) and I had no problem eating lunch with a guy three years older me, over half of my lunch group this year consists of people who are two or three years older than me.

    But it did start getting awkward when I noticed VIBES COMIN' FROM HIM. Like, "I like this girl" vibes. Then one day he asked me to the movies. Having never been on a date (hell, I'd only ever been asked once, and it was sort of a joke anyway) in my life, my parents thought it'd be a good social experience if I did. Even though I didn't want to.

    Soo... I went and we saw Night at the Museum 2. Which admittedly wasn't a half bad movie but I'll always have bad memories since he tried to put his arm around my shoulders and THAT WAS UNCALLED FOR. It was like... rape without the sex?

    There was NO WAY IN HELL I was letting him drive me home (even though he could drive) so I used his phone to call my dad. Which... wasn't too good since even though we live like ten minutes from the movie theater my dad moves at the "speed of dad", as I call it. Which is the opposite of the speed of light. So while we're standing there in awkward silence he asks for my phone number and I'm like "I don't have a cell phone." So he goes "Can I have your home number?" and I was like "I am not giving it to you."

    Then my dad came and I freaked out in the car

    and then I still had to talk to the guy at lunch for something like a week and a half but things were Awkward so we literally said nothing until third parties came and made conversation happen. During these days I could tell he was trying to inch toward me (maybe to make another move) and I would inch away, much more subtly than he did. My friend (who was in his Latin class last semester) suggests he is Socially Awkward.

    Then one day he goes "So, you doing anything Friday night?" and I was like "NO DDDDDDDDD:" and he shut up

    then on the last day of school I ~specifically~ "made arrangements" with a few friends so that I could play a card game with them for the majority of lunch and not have to deal with the guy, but then at the end of lunch he follows me and gives me a note in which he misspells my name and writes "this is my number if you want to call me."

    and then he wrote "Love, *his name*" With the 'love' and everything. Needless to say I have not called him and I have not even touched the pocket of my backpack where I placed that note (except to take my key out and put it in another pocket) like there's a germ society in there.

    Then this year I would only see him in passing in the hallway. Until one day when I was waiting for the bus and talking with some friends, and he passes and ~waves at me~, at which point I explained all my problems to my friends

    then one of my friends' bus came, so she left. And I'm talking with the other friend when behind me I hear "Hi!"

    turn around and guess who. And he goes "Long time no see?" and I was like "... IS THAT MY BUS" because it was. And I left.

    ... Long backstory, simple explanation. You don't even care do you xD
    how are you today? long time, no see.

    ... *shudder* dammit I can't even say the words long time no see anymore. fmlllll
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