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  • Oh, TvTropes <3

    A funeral home called this troper's house one day to ask my father if he would be interested in prearranging his funeral, for whatever reason. He tried to be polite in declining the offer, but when they kept persisting, he finally just snapped at them.

    Dad: (with sarcastic calmness) No, you don't seem to understand. I don't want to prearrange my funeral because, you see, I am never going to die. Goodbye!

    They actually call Typh's house too. I know what I must do.
    *stares hungrily at YOU- cough*

    >.> I think I'll go look for some people to cannibalize I MEAN *coughs more*
    ...holy crap. I wish I had a lunch like that-

    Actually I'd feel bad about destroying such beauty and I'd starve. So, nevermind.
    I'm back. (Seriously, right next door - our house is even sorta connected, as in the the same outer plywood thing is used by both and a few apnels are shared. Took me about three minutes.)

    Can't take pictures, unfortunately >: But I'll try and paintdraw the general outline
    True. But reallynow the whole 'slavery' arc was pretty damn offensive. AndI hope they actually do something with the space travel thing. That can be awesome but people will not.let the challenger explosion. go damnit. ;-;

    ....oh my god i was wondering how to make lunch more interesting. <3 Excuse me while I go buy three rice crispies bars, which I will then cut into the g/s starters (okay no detail cause i can't and that would just kill me with sugar). i am totally serious here, i live next door to a store with these things and i have the money.
    Well it's simple. The fanbase was really stupid back then. They didn't like the idea of a hero that, while shooting lightning, fucked his mother, sister, and countless humans and mostlygets away with it. Then Jesus comes along as a messiah goody boy, and they liked him better.

    I don't like the direction Real Life is going, though. So many plot holes. And the arcs are confusing. What do you tihkn?

    (..okay I doubt that made any sense, but read these comments.
    Yay for breeding me Croconaw! I just put up a Totodile asking for a Dratini. If I don't get it by time I get to Mahogany, then I'll just say that it's a lost cause, but hopefully someone will find it good enough.
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