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  • ThumbattagloppI'm18IndeedYouArewhyallthecapitalisationidunnowhynotsohappybelatedbirthdayan dstuffmikeywikeythanksverymuchyou'reverywelcomeihopeyouenjoyyouryam.what yam?inamericasweetpotatosarecalledyamseventhoughtheyarenotthesamethingasrealyamsthosesilly yanksnotsillyjustdifferentlynamngandthussillyletussipteaandlookatthemdisapprovinglythrough ourmonoclesidon'tliketeaverymuchi'lgetthecrumpetscrumpetsaredeliciousespeciallywithmarmite oohactuallyicanimaginemarmitewouldtasteveryniceonthemWHATYOUHAVENEVERHADMARMITEONYOURCRUMP ETSNOIHAVEN'TSORRYsoyoushouldbe*criesinacorner*
    ThumbattagloppI'm18IndeedYouArewhyallthecapitalisationidunnowhynotsohappybelatedbirthdayan dstuffmikeywikeythanksverymuchyou'reverywelcomeihopeyouenjoyyouryam.what yam?inamericasweetpotatosarecalledyamseventhoughtheyarenotthesamethingasrealyamsthosesilly yanksnotsillyjustdifferentlynamngandthussillyletussipteaandlookatthemdisapprovinglythrough ourmonoclesidon'tliketeaverymuchi'lgetthecrumpetscrumpetsaredeliciousespeciallywithmarmite oohactuallyicanimaginemarmitewouldtasteveryniceonthemWHATYOUHAVENEVERHADMARMITEONYOURCRUMP ETSNOIHAVEN'TSORRY

    COLD. *produces a thick winter jacket from nowhere and huddles underneath it*

    ...Right. Apparently the brain surgery removed more of the rational aprt of my brain than I thought it would've.
    I tend to ask, just in case, because I already screw up a lot more than I should >.>

    *melts into a shiny silver puddle*

    Well, there's that, but also the Swagger thing. I assume you were talking about that right? :0

    Stephen: Do you wax yourself down there, darling?
    Emma: [starts to stand] Do you want to see?
    Stephen: [recoiling] NO, I DON'T WANT TO SEE!!!

    TVTropes and their CMOF's~

    Also Typh cannot draw breests. Ever :v

    Not for me. My skin writhes and melts when I come in contact with another human being.

    (Naw, s'okay, you actually had a legitimate reason. Plus most refs abuse the DQ time anyway :P)

    :D Bill Bailey on QI is still awsome. Remember when Alan got the saw.

    And I'm thinking of drawing HungOver!Mike singing 'They say of the Accropolis where the Partheon is." Wearing a pirate hat next to Adam Savage, who also has on a pirate hat. SHOULD I

    Keep in mind I have a Blazhy-brain. The rational part, unlike in most other brains, deters me from hugs.

    I still need to catch up on my refffinnnnnngsssss. Ah now I sorta regret taking that double battle D:

    Actually no I'm not. I got shot in the head a week ago and they just recently completed the surgery to remove the bullet, but I suspect that they accidentally tore out a rational part of my brain.
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