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  • o.o I... don't eat ice cream a lot. And when I do, it's usually Haagen Daas, or however you spell it.

    I just envision... the panda on a certain character's hair from BlazBlue :> Which is still very cute.

    That's my writer's block speaking. Same attacks in a row = a killer to inspiration :<
    Uhh... Kratos can be dressed as a panda and can screech in fury when I knock down bamboo shoots? *pummeled by Kratos*

    Oh, I see :0 I didn't think of that. I just thought of it as a dissuasion to use a bazillion of the same attacks in a row - like, I dunno, Drill Peck or Crunch. *cough*

    I don't have chocolate at all D: Well, I have Hershey's. Never heard of Ben&Jerry's and Chunky Monkey.
    :0 That goes along with Negrek's rather nicely.
    Me: *thoughtlessly running over bamboo shoots*
    Negrek: NO STOP YOU FOOL

    Derp... If it's lower than that, then it'll hardly ever be factored in, and I think quite a few refs will forget about it o.o I do think it'll get approved that way, but... *shrug* Technicalities, ignore me xP

    *noms coffee ice cream*
    Well, you're a ref, so you're a rather important person in ASB? CATCHPHRASE NAO.
    I should really make myself a catchphrase, actually.

    Sounds interesting :0 That negative effect at the end made me chuckle, actually. LOOK AT THAT FISHIE :D
    Though when you say that he'll be 5% more likely to evade all subsequent attacks, do you mean that he'll be able to dodge say, Flamethrower more easily if he dodged a Flamethrower, or do you mean he'll be able to dodge all attacks thereafter more easily? And I assume DoubleTeamhax counts as dodging?
    (sorry if you weren't looking for critique but I couldn't help myself ^_^')
    YES WE DO. But let's start with the bigger figures of ASB first :D

    Ah, okay. But may I at least know the concept of it? (haha im a sucker for reading other peoples sig moves/attributes)
    Yeah. Generally with me, unless it's a self-insert I'm torturing (which happens a lot), I tend to torture the characters I like a lot.

    Also Squirtle!Jess is expressly forbidden to like said Pikachu (by my self-insert Shinx). Why?

    Cause both in real life and the comic, she's unfortunately cursed y the fact that most of the time, if she likes someone, they turn out to be gay. XD
    >:) UGLY STINKYF- *shot*

    Yeah. Sure. :D *watches you spin around*

    (Yes, asterisk is a verb.) D': MIKE'S GONNA PUT ME IN A SACK AGAIN.
    Negrek: NO STOP YOU FOOL >:(

    And Alakazams are given awesome sig moves by rather awesome Involuntary Twitches? *i just made you feel so much better didnt i im so proud of myself i did a good thing*
    In times like these, YouTube is your friend.

    >:( What are you talking about, I wiped it up already. ...I also magically wiped the 2nd load of barf without you noticing. Yeah.

    Blazhy legs are very stout :( And I'm made of metal, remember? I'm probably over 800kg - good luck carrying me :D
    As are Kadabras~ Though, Alakazams have twice the spoons, so they must be twice more incredible.
    ...while that is true, that is not why.

    I think part of the reason is because I feel the need to torture someone a lot. o.o
    Then that would be funny.

    The characters are all based off real people except for the Pikachu who's in there because he's just adorable and we need more shy people XD
    Because one's a Squirtle and the other's a Riolu, silly!

    Plus one character starts calling the Squirtle "Jessr" later because the Shinx fails at writing stuff in the dirt.

    But it's different cause the main character comes from Amp Plains, not from the human world XD

    And it's got two characters with the same name
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