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  • *sings the Nom Nom song*

    Blazhy nauseous D: BLAZHY WANTS OUT OF TEACUP.

    No, not really. You can just be positively barbaric when it comes to table manners, lift the bowl, and dump the contents into the gaping gorge that is your mouth.
    Well, yes, but for people without access to Blazhytoes, spoons are a good alternative :D
    Yes she does. She also liek dah Crunch. *pokes her battle with Loco Mocho*

    *cleans it up but barfs again* @_@

    I... have no idea what the foreign policy in Bulgaria in the period 1903-1927 is. So, let's talk about spoons.
    You use spoons to drink your soup when it's really hot. Or you can use them to scoop out people's eyes.
    I dunno.

    I'm thinking of doing a very strang PMD-style sprite comic. But sorta different.
    Well, be grateful you aren't reffing Kusari vs. FMC :| Have you seen the commands so far? I swear I will stay away from Drill Peck for as long as I live.


    Well... I'd figure that if someone knew they were getting raped in an alternate reality, they'd be worried about their alternate reality selves?
    ...yes Mike needs either a hug or a pat on the head. *stands on tiptoes and tries to reach your head* Actually aside from my folks and a cousin or two, you're the only person I know a lot that's taller than me o:

    My mom's quite understanding but I forget everything she tells me (i.e. why is your backpack messy put stuff in a folder please" *repeat this 5000 times why is Typh so dumb*) because I'm probably brain damaged/yeah I gotta pay attention. I'm getting better, though. Half of the time it is my fault, other times...yipe.

    But see my folks are the only family memebers I feel comfortabe with


    everyone else is either a drunk, a workaholic, an asswipe in general, all three, annnd severly homophobic. See Typh probably is straight but if I do turn out to be bi or asexual (and I mean ACTUALLY asexual) I'm fucking terrified to say anything really D| Same goes for religion, everyone's like "how the hell can't you be religious'. And I let this slip once, jsut once in class for something minor (question on religion' and for a week i have an entire seventh grade classroom on my ass. . Which is why only mom knows. thankfully I haven't gotten anything forced on me YET but just wait

    tl;dr: Okay so I don't have a dad anymore to know what this feels like, and what I remember from him he wasn't such s douche, but I know how you feel by not being listened to. *hug*
    Oh. Well the litttle screw that keeps the lenses on once popped out of my glases after I got hit in the face by a football. Never found it, but the nurse has spares so.

    ...pardon me for saying so but that's just sad. You're almost eighteen and can speak to him like a fellow adult if you want to, and it was just an 'of course not' I mean what.
    My folks argue, but i's more of a 'no this should be here' 'mom i kinda know where to put things' 'i'll do it rita' 'mom you're an 82 year old woman stop that' (roughly translated) and even then....yeah.

    Do you need a hug?

    Also D: I'm not delicious when roasted
    SNAP? Shit D:

    Damn. What happened with your dad? Slap him >:<

    Same colleague that can't type right and whose hands are currently (by which I mean for thae past few days) in a state of dull pain. That Typh?

    I have joined the Obsessive Scribbles. good/bad/yery bad/ so bad it's good/ so bad it's horrible/wtf typh are you insane you can't draw ?
    't draw at all

    I think I'm going to have to do some major training, unfortunately. >< My team is only about Lv. 54 right now. I think I just need to level up some of my Materia.

    BTW the Enemy Skill materia is possibly the best thing in the whole game.
    Oh, man, I haven't ridden in one of those in ages :'D *reminisces*

    Being... raped...? So why do you sound so calm? o.o
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