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  • No i mean people who grew up with donald Duck
    ; ;



    I loved Steiner, too. Vivi was adorable, but I think my favourice IX character has to be Beatrix. So, so awesome. I liked Freya and Quina a lot, too. And Zidane's theme is brilliant.

    Haha, I've got a boiler suit at home that I wear when I'm doing epic!painting or making cosplay props or have somehow been roped into helping repaint the house that has the nifty pockethole-thingies in. It's great fun to wear; kinda like a grownup onesie. Except, of course, it's made for a fully-grown man, and is a teeny bit too big for me (by which I mean the arms are about twice as long as they should be).

    I'm a less worried about the giant fish and more concerned about where on earth France has gone, to be honest X3 (but French people are un-American and I have to stop finding my signature so funny)

    Yacht design? Geez. I mean, sure, I figured that there had to be some people whose job it is to design yachts (though I'm lower-middle class enough to think of yacht as "the defualt noun beginning with Y" rather than having any aspirations of ever actually owning one), but actually studying it at a higher education level just seems a bit... limiting?
    That said, I sometimes wish Sociology were a bit more narrow so I could at least pretend to have an idea of what to do when I finish x.x

    I spend most of my time in the following ways: Sleeping: 50%, Messing around online: 25%, Watching DVDs of TV shows: 20%, Going to uni and doing uni-related work: 7% and Eating: 3%. It's a pretty good life, if I'm honest XD

    I haven't bought a new game since, I think, Platinum. Which I'm actually yet to finish. I pretty much only play it when I'm going on a long journey by myself, which doesn't happen too often. It's good fun, though; I'm naming my team after Buffy characters :D

    Yes, in having an entire series of epic games revolving around your subject, you win. But just you wait till they bring out the Ace Sociologist series >)

    Thing is, with four frees in a row, you just feel like it's pointless coming into school in the first place. Or, at least, I did. But learning that the Nazis weren't nice to the Jews is important to learn, so yeah.

    If I had a colour printer, I'd print your map out and put it on my wall :D
    Not as cool as Donald Duck, but you can have my favourite IX icon if you'd like (you don't have to use it; I just love any excuse to show off my icon collection):

    Haha, I know what you mean; a few years back I cosplayed the Team Magma grunt and wore the hoodie around day-to-day because it was so warm and snug X3

    I really don't game as much as I used to; I don't have the time. I brought my PS2 and Wii up to uni with me, but pretty much all I play on them are Tales of Symphonia and Singstar. I've been having an urge to play Disgaea for a while, though, and once I'm done with a couple of stupid essays (that I really should be working on right now) I probably will.

    D'aww, I *love* your UK map <3333 Anglia Ruskin's the nearest to me (when I'm in Kentland; Gloucester (oh my GOD that is hard to spell) is the nearest to Devonland, but still about 200-300 miles away X3), but they all seem fairly close to your home. Are there any other people in your year going to any of the same unis you applied to?

    Aww, I didn't get to write about anything fun in my personal statement (though I rambled on for a bit about how much better sociology is than psychology, mostly because sociologists and psychologists hate each other), but my high point of last year was getting to write about Pokemon in an essay. Did you know that "Pokemon Hegemon" is an *actual sociological term*? It's awesome XD

    In my final year of sixth form, we had loads of free study time during Ethics, in which we were supposed to work on an extended essay on the topic of "sexual ethics". Apparently our teacher didn't realize that our Catholic school library had no books about things like abortion, prostitution and pornography, so we spent all our Ethics-frees just dossing around in the library, hiding from the librarian. It was fun :)
    Aww, I'm sorry; I'm currently in the middle of a very intense Buffy obsession, and I needed an icon to match ):

    I still have a Kai!drawing as my display picture, though; does that count for anything? ):
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