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  • M-MEEEEE TOOOOO oh wait that's a lie

    I've arranged the funeral to take place at a random lavatory in Iceland. I know someone there who has a goldfish in need of flushing, so it will be a dual... flushurial. You're invited. :<

    On a happier note, THERE WILL BE CAKE! 8D
    Hrmm... If I recall correctly, there was a thread for arena and signature move & attribute ideas, though since there isn't a large demand for the thread back it doesn't exist anymore. I don't think your idea is much different, durr... Well, you can ask Negrek if you really want to try the idea, I guess.
    I did try and do a battle... =[ but I think it was forgotten. XD Ah well.

    It was ok. My sisters got upset that they couldn't go trick or treating, and they ended up doing so in the end. XD You?
    Hmmm... I remember Imprison being described as the Pokemon executing it tracing runes in the air and having them circle the opposing Pokemon, then having it close in on it with a spectacular bang/what have you. Maybe you could do the same, but make it disappear with a pop and some confetti (haha disregard that) at the last second? :0

    Dude, I feel like everyone's turning to me for business stuff xP But yeah, what's your idea?
    YES A BUNNYWUNS. Haha, bunnies are overrated >:D

    Ah. Right. ASB seems to be going slow now, what with NaNo going on :| (And yeah, I found that amusing xD Though to be fair, not a lot of people seem to understand exactly how Imprison works in ASB)
    Naw. Newts are cool. I shall kill... a bunny. Yes.

    :0 And you didn't work on your reffings? WRYYYY I am disappointed in you
    Although I'd like to read that story when it's done :D Let's see if I can go any more insane than I already am~
    Hello. =D I've got that message on here that is telling me I've not been active. =[ I should reply in topics more.
    FFFFFFFF Damn, that is small o.o Last year, my homeroom had 30 kids.

    D: Hopefully my parents won't force me to take grade 12 math. Or I'll snap and kill something. D: ...D:
    I think that that is incorrect - Grectlember and Gtchkrbkm are months in the alternate calender I half-designed a while ago.
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