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  • Paintbrush is dead, Mike. He died of a tea overdose.

    *cries* Poor, poor Paintbrush. He was a good Scotsman. ;~;

    Oh, I see xD ...I've never heard of anyone teaching like that, though o.o How big are the classrooms exactly? Because if it's a standard-sized university hall, I don't see how the speakers can be loud enough for the entire room to hear...

    Yes! *high-fives* Math will be the destruction of my brain cell.
    Orly? :0 So it's kinda like... pre-university. Sounds like a better system then OMFG 12 YEARS IN A ROW DO IT NAO :<
    So do the teachers not check homework as thoroughly? :0 I'd probably try to weasel out of math stuff. I hate math, and all other things that have concrete answers :< Essays are (this is going to sound so nerdy) pretty fun- *shot*

    Intelligent, yes, but I lack common sense. Nearly all gifties are like that :< We're smart academically, but we're retarded in all other areas.
    *twitches uncomfortably*
    You mentioned O:

    Also I watched Repo! last night. It was really good. Recommend++
    I was sorta being sarcastic; I know what law and via are, at least xP
    You guys still have 13th year, though? We only go up to 12, and that's the last year of high school, so we still don't get free period stuff. It's a shame :<
    BUT DOOD The teacher being beamed in over a webcam is epic. It'd be even more epic if they were still in their PJs, or something. *shakes head* Lazy teachers.

    Well, I don't know a lot about the world :< I stay in my room and type my fingers off, all day long~
    Its on the Western end of an area generally known as Europe shaddup kay? >:< I KNOW I SUCK AT GEOGRAPHY.
    By the time I got suited up, the gloves and plumes had been loaded back on the truck, so I had to follow the band to warmup with out them.

    The problem is that it made me kind of look like a fool because forgetting my gloves and plume is something completely headdesk-worthy but that I could totally see happening to me. :[
    I know, eh? Their shells must be sore at the end of the day.

    Well, I myself have no problem reffing 4 battles at once and updating them within 3 days. If you take advantage of the usual week-long DQ time, then 3 battles should be easy-peasy, considering how much free time you have a school... holy crap o.o I only have like, 5 free periods (lunch >.>)
    That's a trombone. :]

    (plus I'm not seventeen like the trombone player xD)

    I keep captioning it as "I look vaguely annoyed at the world"

    (I went to the bathroom just after getting off the bus and when I got back everyone else was already finished getting their uniforms on and instruments together. This picture was taken right about then.)
    ...arright sorry D:

    I just feel nice today~ Tommorrow I'll be setting acids and bases on fire so if I don't amke it, break the news to Notory gently, will ya?




    Also Typh got a Dcotor Who set, some Full Metal Alchemist manga, and more stuffs.

    <3 I'm going to love these next three days, cause tommorow I have off, and Thursday and Friday and the weekend and~
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