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Not Meowth
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    That was so random that it was just... wow. They're geographically challenged, just like I am! :'D TUUUUURK
    Okay. I was thinking about it and it was bugging me. I don't know why.

    By the way, a funny moment that happened to me the other day at school. I was in Keyboarding, and we were doing some new report format.
    Teacher: Remember to use double spacing when doing this.
    A few minutes later (this isn't me, by the way):
    Josh: What spacing were we supposed to use?
    Teacher: Double.
    Josh: Okay, 1.5; got it.
    I just found that funny.
    That's better. ...I wonder if there's a worm in it? :0
    And it's pretty sad, but I just noticed how... strange the shape of the apple's shadow is. ...Are apple shadows supposed to be spiky?

    Well, I hardly ever watch TV at all. But if you could link me to a short YouTube video, then I'd watch it.
    Oh. That sucks.
    You said you didn't want Explorer's of Sky because Meowth isn't a hero character, right?
    I do. I take pride in my collection; I brag to Black Yoshi 99 during school.
    On the subject of video games, what's your Platinum (assuming you have it) FC?
    I have a drawer in my TV cabinet that holds three of the four previous Nintendo systems; the fourth is what I'm playing. My Wii is in the living room, my Genesis is next to my bookcase, and my PS1 that my uncle gave me is in my closet. Only Nintendo is in the drawer. :3
    And look what else you can do with glasses! *flicks very long bangs over her face and puts on the glasses so she looks like Cousin It*
    Seriously, that's what I'm doing for Halloween :D

    You know, I'm not even gonna bother xD My pinkie is crying for mercy.
    I think I will.
    I've been thinking of making the wireless NES/SNES controllers. Nerd projects = awesomeness.
    *puts on glasses and starts flaunting nerd-atmosphere*

    'Well' 'yes' 'they' 'are', 'but' 'they're' 'kinda' 'annoying' 'to' 'type' 'around' 'every' 'word'.
    Yes, it is! :0 It's too bad I don't wear glasses, though. Otherwise I'd have that nerd atmosphere.

    Why do you think I put quotation marks around the 'background music'?
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