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  • Yes it is. :3

    Hooray indeed. I'm still trying to get used to it though. :P

    Because everything goes in one ear and out the otherrr~

    Sorry for the late reply. Didn't notice this VM :B

    And I told you you'd become a ref :D Haha, I'm awesome!
    Thaaaaank you :3

    I had an excellent birthday and an uneventful-but-fun-nonetheless Halloween. Good times.

    Aaaand it has just occured to me that I never replied to your message that you sent me nearly two months ago. God, I'm bad at this "having friends" thing x.x

    FFIX is one of my favourites, too. The music is EPIC, and the characters are some of the best RPG characters I've ever seen. Plus, it has lots of stuff blowing up, which is always a plus in my book (my biggest complaing about 24 season 7 is that there wasn't nearly enough stuff blown up). X's really good, too (lots of people don't like it but I love it), and you should be able to find it preowned in a Gamestation for not a lot.

    Haha, you saying that the uni "only" wants 3Bs to get in is making me feel really stupid; my first-choice uni wanted 3Bs and I didn't get it... but I'm really glad I ended up in Kent anyways, because I love it here. Have you picked your other two unis yet?
    Is college still going well? I've had pretty much nothing to do since I got back (minimal work and I only have lectures three days a week! I love my timetable), but have realized now that I have two essays due in at the end of this week... eep. ><

    Thanks again, and sorry for the late response; I got there in the end :3
    i made the sprite you wanted. i like the face and beard, but not much else.

    it's in the request thread. i'm too lazy to link back.
    Maybe. He does live down the street from me. *shifty eyes*
    But I just have to avoid telling my mom. If I tell her, she'll be all "Rooooaaar I told you not to get used games something's always wrong with them rooooaaar". My brother will probably help, though.

    (happy halloween to you too)
    I no. D: But, my brother is smart, so I'll ask him to help. When he gets home.

    Plus one of his friends has only disks 1 & 2 so maybe I can work something out with him...
    No, wait, he said he knows German, English, Hebrew, Arabic and French. I assumed that the writing of yours of was either Hebrew or Arabic, and I chose the latter. =P
    Well, I'm sorry for assuming that it was Arabic in the first place. ~.~ Truth be told, though, I can't even recognize Arabic writing (let alone Persian writing)! Twiggy, a friend of mine, told me that you wrote in Arabic, so I just figured it was that.
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