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Notoriously Unknown

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  • Not too much, but listen to me:

    It's a slow disease when it wants to be.

    It' sin't confirmed, but the tests I did get, well..

    Results come in tommorow...and yeah...
    Gaaah, sorry about that.

    And the worse part? Can be summed up in four words:


    ..okau more but yes. My leg's felt the urge to kick beofre, without my own accod, and I had before, floowed by my hand just SHOOTING UP.

    Platinum is able to connect with Diamond, don't worry.
    Well, since you have Wi-Fi now, try it! ^w^
    ...I would like to battle you in Brawlm but unfortunately I'm Wii-less. =( There's always my cousin but I doubt they'll let me. =P

    However, I do have my DS with Pokémon Platinum. Wanna battle? 8J
    You got Wi-Fi now!?
    OH MY PHRICKIN'... Oh yeah? I forfeit the game.
    You can't forfeit.
    (^Inside joke amongst my friends)

    (Anyway, darn you and your logic. XP But I also came up with a fifth similarity: you both hate country music. :D I think the two of you would get along really if you ever get a chance to meet).
    Hmm... now that I think about, you're similar to a classmate of mine who also wouldn't be caught dead or alive in a dress (except for prom 'cause her friends forced her to, and I have proof! XD).

    I say that you're both a bit similar because: 1) You both like House (why did I never ask her which channel it aired on I'll never know); 2) you both hate dresses; 3) she's great in language arts plus science, but stinks at math; and 4) ... Um, that basically all the similarities I can find.
    Since I asked, do you happen to be one of those girls who can't stand being caught wearing a really pretty dress whether you were dead or alive?
    You know that sprite I made you that you couldn't see in that one picture? here it is. You like?
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