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Notoriously Unknown

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  • my parents allow me to stay up as long as I please, so long as I'm quiet.

    ...you lucky lucky piece of carp.
    Basically any fruit flavor, especially watermelon and lemon (which is why I was easily fooled into eating that snowcone. -.-;;;).
    Let's not go into that. I've been tricked into eating a "lemon" snowcone once before and its taste was horrible! D;

    Anyway, how's 'bout a little chat before I hit the hay, hmm?
    No. They aren't visable.

    Just think about it, though. many years from now, if I did go through with the operation, imagine I'm old, if I get there. I get a heart attack.

    They have to use the paddles.


    you do the math.

    It's a two part surgery. First, they stick these little..nails, with what seem to be WIRES on them.

    ...did I MENTION YOU'RE FULLY CONCIOUS? No pain, but so...so unerving ;-;

    And here's the pontentially life-threatening part: THEY OPEN YOUR CHEST UP, PUT THERSE METAL PAD-THINGS, AND CONNECT THE WIRES.

    This makes electical impulses in the brian that cancel out the original ones.

    ...I.Don't.Want.To.Be.Cuuuured. ;.;
    *glomps pillow* SLEEPINESS~

    why can you stay up so late you lucky lucky piece of carp.
    i go to bed at 9. but here where me and typh are, it is nine, but whatever.
    ...ehh, not so rare, really. They;re the cases you hear about, m'yes, but not very rare.

    And you are aware what shaky hands does to writing, and-this is the big one- DRAWING, right?
    This is my boredom talking:

    Which Pokémon do you think best represents you? (In other words, what would be the perfect Pokésona for you in your opinion?)
    Noo, you don't get it.

    It's been confirmed, I DO have it. It just hasn't spread.

    And no. But...

    in some extreme cases..over time..ANYONE...can get worse...and eventually, the tics just get worse, and worse and worse...

    I mean right now, I've had, what like, theree tics? four??

    If it keeps going and going...

    There have been cases of people averaging one tic per second, to the point the the disruption the the tics make...err....

    Well, you can no longer talk. Or walk very well....

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