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Notoriously Unknown

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  • Like I said, I'm a semi-spelling-slash-grammar nazi. ^w^

    ........... Uh, anyway, I was looking through all my old school work today out of boredom and I happened to come across my moral and ethics notebook. One of the questions in it was: "Which one of the following is the most important aspect in a friend: loyalty, honesty or generosity?"

    Whoops, gotta eat dinner now. Talk to ya later, Nottie. ;D


    As in, there a mousehole to the side and every once i a while they dart out so I stay in the hall and my desk = computer tablething thus:

    Can't >:
    First off, I'm a semi-spelling-slash-grammar nazi, so to correct your mistakes:
    Analizing -> Analyzing
    Knew -> New
    Knowladge -> Knowledge
    Powars -> Powers

    Moving along...
    I also like learning new things, whether it's informational (such as the difference between weight and mass), personal (such as a friend of mine being gay. O_O) or opinionated. In fact, learning new things is a weird fe.............. on second thought, that's something you probably don't wanna know.
    LEARNING and GREAT THING in the same sentence!?!?!?!?!?!?!?! *Head explodes*
    ...You evil, evil girl... WHERE HAVE YOU BEEN ALL MY LIFE? ^w^

    (Just kidding; you got a point though. =P)
    "Oye Tio, conosco una nina. La gusta tu nombe. Y dice hol"
    (Hey Tio. Know a girl. She likes yer name and says hi.)



    Well yeah D:
    Why not ask him for it? You are his colleague after all. ^w^

    Hmm, what is there to talk about......
    Oh yeah! Do you find I ask too many questions for my own good? It's strange 'cause I never ask questions in school. O.o
    In a sense, yes. But then there's the ozone layer, the atmosphere, the moon, the sun, etc. etc. O_O I won't say space because space is all around us.

    Anyway, since I got nothing better to talk about, what would you do if your closest friends on here i.e. me, Typh or Mike got banned?
    Well a euphemism is-

    OH MY GOD.

    He gave you... a bag of satsumas!
    I don't think that was the stork who delivers babies at all... I think this has all been an elaborate scam by THE SATSUMA SWAN.
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