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Notoriously Unknown

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  • Is it okay for anyone in the Meta Knight fan club to use your Meta Knight banner?
    Oh yeah, I forgot about that comment. ^.^;; But now you know what a Tonberry looks like!
    Yes I'm watching it noooooow. x3
    I also got a Bill Bailey DVD and a PS1 game and loads of books but who cares about those~
    Maybe I'll look it up on YouTube when I'm not feeling lazy— whenever that is (or you could just bug me, whichever the case). =P

    Well, I saw your comment for my latest pic and I was curious. Anyway, Tonberries are normal enemies that people may underestimate as weak creatures but, in truth, they can deal at least 9999 worth of damage (in other words INSTANT KILL!). However, they are super slow, so it is best to keep hitting it before it slowly walks up to your party like the stalker it is and stabs them to death. :3

    I'll be off for a while. My sis wants to use the computer since hers is all screwy (I'm pretty sure a wire is unplugged. -.-). And it's almost dinner time here, too, so I gotta prepare stuff.
    (Dang, this site keep loading up way too slowly for me).
    ...Meh, I think I'll pass. I mostly watch movies for the story and how it's presented.
    The story content is also the reason why I love playing RPG games (especially in the Tales series. :3).

    Speaking of RPGs, have you ever played Final Fantasy?
    I'm sorry, lil' girl, there are no more parasites. But we do have Metroids *Sends out Metroids* =)

    Anyway, I never saw Cloverfield and probably never will because I'm just that lazy. =P Is it a good film though?
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