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Notoriously Unknown

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  • You both are happy? That's very nice to hear.
    Where'd you get a cookie?

    ...well fuck. Sometimes I know I shouldn't get angry (they are kids after all. Sure, stupid ones...but I should let more stuff go.) but I do. The snide remarks are building up and I've been firing them less and less. Which is good in the sense that there's less risk of my ass being on the line (as nice as seventh grade teachers go in this place, they may have to draw the line at the comment "utter buffoon who never lets me concentrate with their deliberate jibberjabber. I still say it's a more creative insult that 'HAY PERVY BITCH' which you hear all too much.) but not fine in the fact that...fuck. I'm almost ashamed to say it, butI'm being picked on by kids tinier than me again. And because of the commnerts above (I said I made less. I didn't stop.) I can't tell a teacher because as soon as both sides do it, they try and pick one that makes more sense only to have the kid rally out, thus positioning up for more preyings...they never stop, and why should they? They're smart in the sense that they can keep grades up, but talk way, way waaaay too mch. About trivial things such as letting out your phone number on Facebook. which is another story.)

    TL;DR: I'm dealing with spoiled brats and ever since I stopped talking to the two I have to sit with at lunch, my lunch gets swiped from under my nose and I fear for my babies' (drawings, okay?) lives.
    I feel okay.

    Tired. And school again...I asked them to stop stealing my lunch from under my nose. Politely. Even devoid of all snark. They said they didn't give a rat's ass and they were never gonna stop and I can't do anything because I happen to be bigger. Not to mention I had to move to another auditorium seat so the whole class (shifted on one side, some souning about 'hey fucking rakesh pay the fuck attention i'm your fucking girlfriend fucker~" spoken by none other than the Queen Bitch herself!) so my drawing (only stress reliever thses days.) doesn't get crumpled. The good part is that aside from a teeny fold, it looksfine.

    ...I'm sorry. This is way, way less than what you're going through and not important at all. We've gone over it...I know.

    I feel fine.
    That'll be me :D I'll be like Robin Williams in Jack, only because I actually am that age.

    I'm in Year 13, which I suppose is thirteenth grade? I dunno.
    I thought we should just throw it into a canal for safekeeping, then you were all LET'S DESTROY IT

    I'm 18 in 5 minutes.
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