And they couldn't be more different appearence wise. Let's see, Dad was short, really portly, and...actually a charmer. Tried to be. Unattactive to most people, he always said that. (See my parentrs were divorced before I was born, grew apart some. That and Dad kinda...cheated. Mom never held it against him, and neither did I. He was always...shy. Talking to me. In the begining of the call. A lot of pausing the "how's school?" thing going on. Then it always topic, Sprung everything out. That quiet way he had.) Young!Dad was a full blown rebel and even though both he and Mom were psychologists, he tended to get into the Mad Scientist sthick outside of the seminars and lessons. I think I got the eccentricness from him.) And Mom, well. Tall lady with frizzy light brown hair, way more frizzy today. She's 51 and still gets comments on how pretty she looks, and she does look nice. x3 Young!Mom was always studying and kinda timid. Today though, she lets me do mostly anything I want, since I'm mature enough for stuff. But I have to learn how to do it right first which...rarely happens D: She is a bit more responisble than most uncles andaunts I have. (In this family, the older you are as an adult, the less responsible you kida are it seems. Mom's easily the most respnsible one, second in five brothers and sisters. There are big families in Peru, you see. The youngest is Uncle Lalo, whoch...I don't really like. He kinda subverted it, he drinks a lot and doesn't help out at all even though he has the most money. So Uncle Payo helps out, but he's getting sick. Kidney problems, just has to be careful. And Nan's getting her eye operation today. With lazers. She'll be blind in that eye for a while, but then she'll be able to see clearly for the first time in...a whil. she sees cloudy, even with glasses. Cataracts or..something. Nan still needs her g;lasses, which is really goos. It's weird imagining Nan - glasses.
These posts are getting longer and longer.