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Notoriously Unknown

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  • I saw Nan's eye.

    It looks normal but now there is a bubble caused by the lens.

    Also. Is Oklahoma really a bunch of plains, cause this war veteran said something to that affect. And we watched a Native American vid, set in Oaklahoma. It looked like a buncha plains.

    We're inverted selvesssss.

    In other news goddamn this is awesome tea. It's this red color and tastes...aaaa |D Life is sucking just a bit less right now.
    Ohh. I see. What's he sound like? Deep? High?

    No, I'm not a needlephobe. I am a shit-that's-in-the-syringe-being-pumped-into-my-body-phobe.

    ...and slightly a needlephobe slightly.
    It'll be healed..well, we don't know. She has to go bakc tomoroow to see how it's going, but yeah.

    oh, I see. has he been up and about today?

    Asklo I may have to get a shot tommtorow ins chool. And I might cry because a needle and I cannot bring in my game for distractions.

    No, because we live in a dusty apartment. even the tiniest speck could wel..blind her. there is a pretty large hole that much I remember. Oh and she can't blinnk :v

    Wait an hour or two, we have to chane it evertually. Or tommtorow...or sometime.
    Problem: How. No video cameras in the house, my parernts would ask questions...and how do you get a piano in your room again :|

    Nan's back. One of her eyes are taped down, it seems. From the operation. She doesn't feel a thing, just can't see out of it. It'll heal.
    A rendition of Flandre Scarlet's theme. It's from a game called Touhou, I've never played it. The thing is, it starts out fairly playable, and then it adds more and more notes until only a computer could play it.

    Maybe it's the fact that I'm a piano player (albeit an out of practice one) but that...damn. Also it sounds really nice.
    Uhh, my hands hurt ight now. ArtMonth entry, so that's why there is no Road Trip post of mine right now.
    And I'm listening to this song. It...is very awesome.

    What else, what else...? You think you can help me out a bit more? this is all I got.
    And they couldn't be more different appearence wise. Let's see, Dad was short, really portly, and...actually a charmer. Tried to be. Unattactive to most people, he always said that. (See my parentrs were divorced before I was born, grew apart some. That and Dad kinda...cheated. Mom never held it against him, and neither did I. He was always...shy. Talking to me. In the begining of the call. A lot of pausing the "how's school?" thing going on. Then it always took..one topic, Sprung everything out. That quiet way he had.) Young!Dad was a full blown rebel and even though both he and Mom were psychologists, he tended to get into the Mad Scientist sthick outside of the seminars and lessons. I think I got the eccentricness from him.) And Mom, well. Tall lady with frizzy light brown hair, way more frizzy today. She's 51 and still gets comments on how pretty she looks, and she does look nice. x3 Young!Mom was always studying and kinda timid. Today though, she lets me do mostly anything I want, since I'm mature enough for stuff. But I have to learn how to do it right first which...rarely happens D: She is a bit more responisble than most uncles andaunts I have. (In this family, the older you are as an adult, the less responsible you kida are it seems. Mom's easily the most respnsible one, second in five brothers and sisters. There are big families in Peru, you see. The youngest is Uncle Lalo, whoch...I don't really like. He kinda subverted it, he drinks a lot and doesn't help out at all even though he has the most money. So Uncle Payo helps out, but he's getting sick. Kidney problems, just has to be careful. And Nan's getting her eye operation today. With lazers. She'll be blind in that eye for a while, but then she'll be able to see clearly for the first time in...a whil. she sees cloudy, even with glasses. Cataracts or..something. Nan still needs her g;lasses, which is really goos. It's weird imagining Nan - glasses.

    These posts are getting longer and longer.
    Four times since I was, what, on? I vaugely remeber a trampoline, and him and Mom being one part "Oh god you'll bump your head WATCH OUT FOR THAT GUY'S LEG D8" and "Go Brianita Go! 8D" respectively. And a gray car, and being carried by him, all happening when I was...four? Three?

    We were on neutual terms. Talking to him was...nice. But so..so very confilcting, and awkward and what have you. He was...a lot like Mom, actually. He wasn't the most attractive of guys and I inherited my sweat glands from him(it still astonishes people how I leave marks on paper and crap. To me? Only means I wll never make it as a robber, not that I wanted to.) and well as some looks (black hair. Ironically he never had much. Beofre dying in a car accident, he was...reckless. Before meeting Mom. Then he and Mom switched whever we viisted, and back again when we got home. Anyway, he got into two accidents and lost a good deal of his hair some some reason. Glas and stuff. The top part-I don't even know.) but he was as smart as Mom, and kinda...blunt.

    If this is too hard to follow...osrry. Spilling my guts like things feels...weird. A good kind of weird. interesting weird.
    Well yeah. Also...family. i think it has more to do with the fact that i rarely see them but...
    Want to know why I never go to Peru anymore. Dad's buried there. It'll be the fifth time I seen him. Ever. And he's been dead for nearly a year. I'm over it. I'm not going though.

    Cause it would feel like visiting a random grave but the name's familiar.

    ...thanks. That...that actully helps. See. Stick around for a while.
    Well, yeah. i guess so.
    I gues...well, I can't see it. The whole age difference thing. Oh sure, it's easy to physically see it. But I guess..the awkwardness. It's not there when it's with older people. Not even with most younger people. When they are around my age (this being a year or two backwards/forwards) the problems start.

    True. Happy means one thing, but there are different ways in getting it.This is...well, not it. I can see that.

    How you feeling, anyhows? How's Leo?
    And you know...damn. Is it a bad thing when you get along better witht he teachers than the kids? They're really cool and all (I'm starting to apply trpes to a lot of things, in my head. It keeps me working. This is much easier than you would believe.) but...I don't care much about other kids, about being around them. I'm perfectly fine with you guys. I'm not an idiot. i can see this insistance to not do much at all, sit there like a lump and just not worry and work...it's gonna srew me over.

    Okay. Happiness means a lot of different things, though.

    And it's almost eleven. Sorry. i'll see you tommorow, Notory.
    Well for one thing. The shortest one. Guy is 4'7. People tick him off, he can cause buising with his knee.

    And hey. Wouldn't you be tempted to slap Real Life me? Really. You would. It's common.
    Possibly attention. Maybe they just like badmouthing other people. Like what happens when you stick gerbils of the same gender in a big cage. Fightfightfight.

    Reaction? Huh, actually....well. Sometimes I'm surprised my jaw's still in the right place.

    And you know what? The only reason why I'm sitting with these kids is because mingling with other classes isn't really allowed (the noise would deafen millions) ans the other side? Would be worse. See these libbies...let's call them the Pets, even though they aren't anymore (lolol rebellion and deliberately screwing up everything! FIGHT THE POWAAAH. Willful ignroance...maybe that's it, hell if I know.) They...they're quite like piranahs, down to the grins. I sit there, not talking, not doing anything, just eating and drawing as always. And then...
    "Hey...Hey Typh...whatcha drawing there? :3"


    "...whatcha staaaring at."


    "you're staring at me aren't you? With your fucking eyes."

    "*facing th other direction, head down to ward off the blanknes in my head* I am not."


    *the other Pets join in*

    It's...nonsensical. I think I got it all out. For this week at least.
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