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Notoriously Unknown

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  • "...some very good friends, but no best. The clostest to a best...amazing people. I loves them like blood relatives...." Where have I seen this before? Oh wait, that's me too. (We even have in common the type of friends we have. ^.^;;). The closest to best friends I have would be the aforementioned guy and a girl who I like to call Rebecca 1/3.
    Actually, in real life there's this one person who I could call my best friend (we talk to each other for a longer period of time and I managed to talk about one of my interests to him: math. :P) However, I never heard him call me a 'best friend' yet, so I'm not too sure about it.

    I'm getting to it, I'm getting to it...
    Have you ever wondered why I take so long to reply? :P
    Anyway, the fact that you're calling me a best friend surprises me. Nobody has ever called me that before; people in real life only call me a friend.
    Yeah, I agree. We can talk goofy at times and then get all serious. :P I'm better in serious conversations, though, so long as I don't have to give a detailed opinion about something.
    I'm... one of your best friends? ......;_; (These are tears of joy mind you; I'm really on the verge of breaking down here). But saying "goodbye" ruins the moment though; it makes it sound like we'll never see you again, you know what I mean?
    It doesn't matter whether or not the pic is semi-failed. You took up your valuable time to make it for me and Typh, and I really appreciate it. :3333

    EDIT: Even you should know I'm slow at typing. :P
    Lol when I went camping in may we got to play with fire. It was fun. Who knew that you could boil water in a dixie cup XD
    Aww, that's so sweet of you, Nottie! :33333333 Thank you very much, of course we'll never forget! *Gives a virtual kiss on the cheek*
    Some dude: *Gasps* Pedophi*shot*
    Seriously, how many times must I shoot you, "Some dude"? *Hides firearm* For the third time, you saw nothing...

    Depending on the gift, I give a kiss to the cheek to girls and a buddy-to-buddy hug to guys. You're technically the first person that's not in my family to give me a gift that I consider really special- even if we're not speaking to each other face-to-face. ^w^
    I've already seen it; it's cute. :3
    But even if I do upload it, you wouldn't be able to see it because of the blocks. Unless... something...
    Aw, that's so nice of you, Nottie. ^w^
    You used a what? "ierd stule"? What're you trying to say?
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