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Notoriously Unknown

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  • How was th'parrty :3
    Oh, and I may have to gte off in..five minutes
    Curse my 11 bedtime.
    *spreads sunshine everywhere*
    Well, I was about to log out and go out to get some fresh air. I've been cooped up inside for a long time now and I need some good clean oxygen from the outside.

    Anyway, bye. Talk to ya later. Have fun at the party. :3
    You see, the thing is, I just understand the material. I don't know how to apply it to real life though. X|
    *Sighs* You know what, I really gotta change my attitude when it comes to life's obstacles. But I just don't have the motivation to do so; I need some sort of drive that'll keep me going to put 100% of my effort into the obstacles that life throws at me, you know what I mean?
    That's what she said. ^w^
    Some dude: You dirty, dirty bo*shot*
    I thought I told you to stay down! *Hides firearm* Again, you saw nothing...

    But really, that's what she said- and by 'she' I mean my friends who are mostly girls. One even commented that I could find the cure to cancer. That'd be nice, but I'm not that smart; I just understand the material I'm being taught, especially when it comes to math.
    Unfortunately, my parents never let me do those kinds of things when I was younger. Also, nobody was willing to accept my help when I offered (they'd be like "we got it handled"). =( And now I have to start searching for a job with no experience whatsoever. -_-;;

    *Sighs* I really envy you, Nottie. There are so many things I missed out on mostly because my parents were solely strict on my education.
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    (>'-')> (>'-')> (>'-')> (>'-')> (>'-')> (>'-')> (>'-')> (>'-')> (>'-')> (>'-')> (>'-')> (>'-')> (>'-')> (>'-')> (>'-')> (>'-')> (>'-')> (>'-')> (>'-')> (>'-')> (>'-')> (>'-')> (>'-')> (>'-')> (>'-')> (>'-')> (>'-')> (>'-')> (>'-')> (>'-')> (>'-')> (>'-')> (>'-')> (>'-')> (>'-')> (>'-')> (>'-')> (>'-')> (>'-')> (>'-')> (>'-')> (>'-')> (>'-')> (>'-')> (>'-')> (>'-')> (>'-')> (>'-')> (>'-')> (>'-')> (>'-')> (>'-')> (>'-')> (>'-')> (>'-')> (>'-')> (>'-')> (>'-')> (>'-')> (>'-')> (>'-')> (>'-')> (>'-')> (>'-')> (>'-')> (>'-')> (>'-')> (>'-')> (>'-')> (>'-')> (>'-')> (>'-')> (>'-')> (>'-')> (>'-')> (>'-')> (>'-')> (>'-')> (>'-')> (>'-')> (>'-')> (>'-')> (>'-')> (>'-')> (>'-')> (>'-')> (>'-')> (>'-')> (>'-')> (>'-')> (>'-')> (>'-')> (>'-')> (>'-')> (>'-')> (>'-')>(>'-')> (>'-')> (>'-')> (>'-')> (>'-')> (>'-')> (>'-')> (>'-')> (>'-')> (>'-')> (>'-')> (>'-')> (>'-')> (>'-')> (>'-')> (>'-')> (>'-')> (>'-')> (>'-')> (>'-')> (>'-')> (>'-')> (>'-')> (>'-')> (>'-')> (>'-')> (>'-')> (>'-')> (>'-')> (>'-')> (>'-')> (>'-')> (>'-')> (>'-')> (>'-')> (>'-')> (>'-')> (>'-')> (>'-')> (>'-')> (>'-')> (>'-')> (>'-')> (>'-')> (>'-')> (>'-')> (>'-')> (>'-')> KIRBY ATTACK
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