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Notoriously Unknown

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  • Whoops, gotta go. I'm sleeping at my grandmother's tonight, so I can't sneak onto the computer as I usually go on. (But then again, I brought my laptop.... Maybe I can try and get a wireless connection there with it).
    Cheese...? Why did I never think of that before? I thought about eating ice cream with soy sauce, and yet cheese on kuskus never struck me...

    Well, I guess in Canada we spell it as "couscous" instead of "kuskus". :P (I'm not entirely sure on that).
    The "Have you had your..." is how one of my friends greets me every time we meet, then I would always reply with couscous, and then we just exchange a few words before he leaves to speak with somebody else. (Couscous or kuskus is "a Berber dish consisting of spherical granules made by rolling and shaping moistened semolina wheat and then coating them with finely ground wheat flour" (source: Wikipedia)). He would always say that sentence in deep, low English voice.
    I hope...

    ...*Cue crickets*.........................
    Yeah, this discussion is getting boring. Start a new conversation; anything you like, and I'll try to contribute.
    (By the way, I'm at my cousins house and I keep losing connection here, just so you know).
    Hmm, let's see...
    I don't have an allowance and even if I did, my parents would just "borrow" it and forget that they even "borrowed" it. I'm currently searching for a job here but it's pretty hard to come by, and once I do get the money, I'll probably need to spend a lot of it for college. -_-;;
    But I'll try to save it up. Hopefully it doesn't get "borrowed"...
    Depends on my mood; I draw a lot at times, or sometimes I feel uncreative and not draw.
    My parents would never get me anything that they would consider expensive (which is like over $10 to them. -_-;;;;), unless it has some productive use i.e. school assignments (except if it costs them over $50 in total. -_-;;;;;;;;;;;;). I try to persuade them but they're hard to convince, even when I say I'll use it for a very long time and take all responsibility of its use. (For example, I want a dog and I promise to take care of it and play with it a lot).
    *Is still jealous* (...Um, which emoticon is the pouting face one?)
    Now you've gone and made me super jealous. Don't be alarmed, this is normal to me; I get jealous a lot. People have stuff that I would like but can never hope to receive, such as your blue hair and tablet (money and parents are to blame). D;
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