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Notoriously Unknown

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  • Ooh, I'm sorry to hear 'bout Typh. =( Hope she can get through it. Anything I could do to make her feel better? *Is concerned*
    Oh yeah, Invader Zim; no wonder the art looks so familiar. =) Mimi... well, it certainly does look like a Mimi.

    ...............Hmm... for some reason, I get the feeling Typh doesn't like me. D= I dunno; I just get this gloomy vibe whenever I speak with her...
    Or maybe its just me...
    Which flash animation? The art seems vaguely familiar...
    Speaking of art, I just gave Zolt a LARGE request. ;D
    That's fun. My hair is already brown, but if I go and ask the barber for a brown hair dye, maybe they'll dye my hair blue to! Then Skroy can do the same and we'll all be bigger regects! (Of course, there's nothing wrong with blue hair, but people'll genrally stay away from us because we look differant.)

    What color is your original hair?
    My post is somewhere near the last page (pg. 43). If you ever see my pictures... well, I guess you see my pictures. :P

    Nice avvie; doesn't look like your art style, though. Where'd you get it?
    I opened shop Notory.
    And all of a sudden I feel afraid.

    Btw, evil cat will come get evil souls.
    Why're you looking in the "Behind the Avatar [SELF PICTURES GO HERE]" thread? You know you can't view the pictures unless... BLOCKS ARE DOWN! O.o! Then you'll be able to see my true face! O_O!!!
    I don't mind really; I'm just surprised that you were viewing said thread tis all. Or were you just there to view the comments?
    Not sweet dreams yet, toots. ;D I got a connection!

    EDIT: Aww, you had to log out when I had just gotten the connection... :( I'm not annoyed, but I really enjoy your company and value our discussions, you know...
    Anyway, pleasant dreams, Nottie. ;D
    EDIT #2 (wow, I edit a lot. -_-;;): Just a heads up: Zoltea has finished our sprite request. Go check it out, he did a great job with them.
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