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Notoriously Unknown

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  • C:
    Not qutie sure whether to be relieved or fucking terrified.

    *holds up a HALP sign*

    Uhhhh have your parents invest in a badass sunflower seed habit? o: *shot*

    Yeah, my mom didn't smoke much before, but still semi-regularly. After the cancer, though, t'was a bad idea. A good chunk of the family (by which I mean out of Nan's five kids, one has to quit soon, one died from it along with drinking, the other two smoked as regulary as Mom did and the last..is Mom. :|) on the other hand...yeah
    *facepalm* I didn't mean it that way.

    Also can I have House's strings back please? I assumed I was talking to Rael!Notory, not Road Trip!Notory, unless Real!Notory's parents are foster parents or something, in which in that case...I'm sorry D:

    (...your parents are you actual parents...right?)

    But never outgrowing it...I mean I know what will happen, she'll get beaten down in life enventually...it's like a fatal car crash, you'll be ill if you you, but you can't tear your eyes away.
    Well, I can see why this works, but then we put the ghettoness in a project and garblegarble. She never pulls her weight and has stated that she'll pull a tantrum if everything doesn't go her way.

    ..it's kinda scary to think about, living that way.
    You know those people who think they're the best thing ever when they really, really aren't at all and can't get along with anyone?

    Before you say anything, yes I notice the irony. I can work with people, I just can't make very good friends with them. She can't work with anyone unless she's the leader, all the while proclaiming she has all the talent. Couple this with a very annoying verbal tic. (Fo' realz. WHY) and uhhh pretty much being ghetto (aaaa whyyy) equals o.e
    No, this kid aces most tests. To the point that it's fun to see him fluster cause he breaks down momentarily. But House is also kinda carismatic, he appeals to the viewer in some aspects.

    Oh, and this is the same guy obsessed with every meme on the planet.

    Nah, whole thing's purely in jest. Although the kid still thinks he can win and is a complete Jerkass anyways.

    He really thinks h's getting those hungdred bucks. Soooo jest for everyone cept for him :|
    Aaaa over here too. Instead pushed over 45 minutes. But I think the World Series are over, if not almost.
    Warning: If it's almost, then it's the last game. Crap.

    Although it'll be fun to see who won the bet tommorow >:D

    (Student bet with Mr. Chev. If Student wins, he gets 100 dollars (yeah right) if he loses, he fails Social Studies completely. Even if it's not gonna happen, it'll still be severly amusing :D)
    ...fffff I think it's longer than that. Like last year's but I forgot. Auuughh that's what I'm riting anyhows, so I'll go with that and fix it tommorow.
    I'm not procrastinating. I just....

    Forgot something. Have you ever done a science paper? Umm...can you refresh my memory on the format if you have, please? ._.
    Unnesecary shouting, tapping me on the shouldeer and asking trivial questions, touching everything ever, and I need to get this report DONE GODFUCKINGDAMNIT
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