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Notoriously Unknown

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  • um

    you're talking to a person who almost shorted out a computer cuase of hand!sweat

    i can see how what i write makes no sense. At least I'm not a troll like some other memebrs round here seem to be(THE GRAMMAR

    No. You can. I...sorry. It's just summing it up, with the negative here made me be all ): why is he suck a wooble. You can be a happy ol' thing, hell you are. i...*cough* I kinda feel bad when I don't talk to you for a long time. Bad meaning turning into a glob of Dude Not Funny.

    TVTropes article on Road Trip.


    I'LL DO IT*shot*

    Also I am getting new glasses soon.

    ...it's actually a bittersweet feeling.

    Yes, this comes from the same person who befriends inanimate objects. She's loops I say.

    Oop. Ummmm...as for the below, I kinda realized that a) you wouldn't be able to look at the site the idea needs and b) I can't make a page there. Disregard the below plz D:


    ...the House icons are better/worse than that srsly
    I hear you have a kidney condition, or something? I don't know if this means anything to you, because we don't exactly know each other, but I hope you get better, or it at least gets easier to deal with. :c
    I would.If I was sure myself I would. This is writing itself. He has a Glasgow accent now. A bit Irish sounding. Also a bit bold, at least he tinks so. He'll be a deadpan snarker soon enough.
    Yes, yes you did. *Applauds* Though it sucks that it had to be on Halloween day.

    Okay then. Good luck with that! :3

    Actually...you knwo what yer writing? I..I'm not trying to copy you, really, I had this in my head for a while now, but...

    More of a hologram, right? See, in the future, something...happens. No one knows what. And then some genius guy, he had the technology to...kinda download people's brain sinto thses pods. Later, he made bodies for them, so improved from normal ones. At first glance. They're like what we can do now, most of these 'abilities jst presented differently, and some things added. But free will, nonon, that's up to this...puppetmaster. the first/second paraprgh is writtten this way. He's reached godlike staus, and he controls the actions by a keyboard. Like a normal computer keyboard. He always did have a writing streak. Thing is, one day he had this epinphany, realized why the earth went boom. And he seprated the holograms from anything else, it was a reason beyond his control.

    And now we start with Desmond. He's tired of this game of cat an mouse. and he espcaes. Into the runis. And finds someone.

    ...lolfail D:
    Until 4 PM?! O_O ...How many hours? Because if it is more than 18 hours, then you, little girl, have just beaten my friend (and he wasn't even drunk!) ^^;

    Oh, are you joining NaNo? :3
    Alright then, I'll give you five minutes to save (though I think you already did... ^^;), and then I'll delete the album.

    By the way, happy (late) Halloween! ^w^
    I was dressed up as a nerd. xD
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