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Notoriously Unknown

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  • I do that all the time. With a lotta things. *cough* >>

    Actually, they kinda do. Blood rushes to your face when you blush, correct? Same concept with the splotcing, just more concentrated in some areas...runs on my dad's side.
    Please don't belittle yourself, I know for a fact that you're not stupid.

    Anyway, I'll be getting rid of that art album soon and replace it with something else. =P
    When i get annoyed, there are steps on how my body reacts:

    1) When it's minor, but still enough to set me off a bit, my face feels warm.
    2) It continues, I argue, a bit loudly and the spoltches on my neck form. The more tense I get, the further the spead until they're visible across my arms, legs, whatnot. Then the tears of angrish come and I try not to sock anyone.

    And now you know why Typh is trying to be a stotic :/
    Hiya, Notory. It has been a while since we last spoke. (Just in case, this is formerly Skroy Horitz).

    By the way, did you save the collage we— and by "we" I mean the people who contributed to the collage— made for you?
    ...not to sound mean, but, you're...kinda in a hospital. You have a lot of time on your hands. I get yellled at for being a klutz, and have to exit the computer sometimes. I have homework, and I'll usually not be in any mood to write draw, anything. And expect this sme thing on Monday: Idiot sixth graders were being uhh idiots in maths. Sub wa there. She'll tell. I'm fucked. Oh and I think it's a bit sexist when you call out the (male) kids that didn't do anything and let the (male) two who started it *go*. Along with the girls, who half of them were giggling like drunks the whole class.

    All in all, I'll try it. Maybe. nce my face stops feeling so damn warm.

    But I'm not signing up. Just writing.
    I know but I-I don't wanna this year. D: Not only cause of that, my science project, I have to get it finished before next Monday. Luckily I only go to school tommorow and Wednsday so...!

    Oh yeah and I'm working on something, something...digital and sketchy and relating to Road Trip in a sense~

    Seriously most epopel plan for this, I don't because I never ever evevr ever have an idera. And I can't write too well >:/
    Well don't hold that against them, they can't speak D: I'm sure they were very grateful.
    But never mind that because YESTERDAY I DRESSED UP AS THE JANITOR.
    (I fell asleep at seven. It's colder round here and cold = hiberating Typheh)




    What McNaaaab*flails* He's a copppp. Good-natured guy and a little bit dense, but he performs his job well?

    AND FREAKISHLY TALL TOO. You know how Lassie's taller than Shawn? By not much, but it's noticable?

    Well, Lassie looks like a teeny ol' leprechaun when he's next to McNab. It's funny to see em argue x3

    But seriously, Mr. Chev's JUST LIKE THAT EVEN IN APPEARENCE except a bit more...un-dense :D And the voices are really different, McNab's voice is surprisingly high, as for Mr. Chev's...th other side of the scale. Kinda scary sometimes x3
    We haven't gotten there spoilerrrr*flail*

    We go more on daily to daily stuffs. Then onto the Incas and American history.

    Oh ALSO I know you haven't watched much Osych, buuut.

    my history teacher.

    Mcnab. Yesssss.
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