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Notoriously Unknown

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  • Pffft it isn't that bad. People think I should get a job by now. Technechally I have and all, but that was for six weeks. And I am of age and all butbut...community serviiice D:I have to do it for school. Ten hours this year. I'm a sixteen year old to a LOT of people whut.

    All right. After I get done with something. lol drawing spreees~
    Huh. We haven't dissected anything yet. But we are making a lunar base.

    *makes space noises* What's weird is that I'm starting to doodle my teachers for some reason. More of a whole ohay base this on a real person kinda thing. Iunno :v
    Pfffft I'm FIIIIINE.
    Also I do smell slightly like blood so I'd be instafucked if I met a wolf.

    ....lol lupus wolf |D

    Butbutbut. Little people didn't do anything I get along with little people they like my sarcasms and ;-;
    When I say scrape, I mean my skin got kinda blown off. Something around...palm sized maybe? Bare, no skin, just...bloodish. Not oh god the the boone or anything. I'm fine.

    ...I know. i'm apperently some batshit crazy crippleface who will eff you up if you so much look at her.

    Typh got run over by a bicycle, got part of her shirt stuck in the spokes, thus looong deeep scrape, and bi down hard- really hard -on her tougue because of said fall. Now she talks with a lisp, smells of blood on occasion (errr i bathe and all, but with this weird..waterproof sleevve contraption and then it starts to bleed again, since it happened yesterday) sometimes spits out blood when she talks, and is in minor to moderate pain. I have to take funny looking pills so bad geeerrmmms *jazzhands* don't get inside me and all.No big deal, only reason I posted in ol' Frankie's absense thread is theat if I don't and miss a day or two, Kai and Dragon'll prolly yell at me ._. But Dragon always yell-*shot*

    Oh and i have to do a takehome test/ poem thingy. 'll be away for a bit. or multitasks~
    no iron skillet? whooo~

    Okay, that sucks. (saw email. can't now. Folks aa i have to do work T.T)

    You know something? when you have a severly wounded armthing (wounded as in a chuck of skin the size of a palm not being there anymore) and your arm twitches quite a bit, its equal parts pain and just plain weirdness.
    Oh. Do..they have to sterilize stuff before you get it? I'm curious, so please refrian for hittng my head with an iron skillet plz D:

    Over on this side, I'm bloody. Not britcurse blooody, I mean bloody as in blood in a lot of places.

    ...I'll explain if you need me to. involves some idiot with a bike and my arm. and toungue.
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