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Notoriously Unknown

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  • Ahaha, we shall make MILLIONS!

    Oh no, who WOULDN'T want to swim in a Watermellon Jello Cabbage Pool? You'd have to be some sort of freak, really.

    And I now proclaim you, as promised, your fancy schmancy title. You are now my Squire of Awesomenocity. =3
    Yeah I guess. My problem is I live in the middle of freaking nowhere, so of course there's no one to talk to. D:

    And I'm assuming you live in a big-ish city or town with many people? And if people don't want to be your friend in real life, they obviously ignorant and have no idea what they're missing.
    1) I never had a girlfriend; and 2) All my friends are nice people, despite how they act in public.
    The problem is, though... well, I feel rejected by my friends. We talk for a bit but then they leave me to go talk with somebody else. I listen to their interests, even though I have no clue what they're saying most of the time, but they never stick around long enough to listen to any of my interests. I wanna talk, but they never pay attention; they always have somebody else they rather talk who's not me. I feel so alone at times; left behind even. =(
    Why, my dear, in Arylettopia (or maybe it's Soviet Russia), royalty bows for you!

    ...Either that, or I just felt like giving myself a fancy introduction.

    It's north of Ladragia, silly~
    Well, well, well. I just convo-stalked you (again)- this time with Mercedes- and found this: "I'm just afraid she'll leave me behind because she's found somebody better..
    It's an old fear. It's happened a lot to me in real life."
    *Sighs* I never thought I would hear that sentence again. Looks like you and I have something in common.
    I'm the Queen of Arylettopia, of course! Do you not see by my name?

    Her Royal Arylettness (HRA), at your service. ;;Bows;;
    Oh yeah? Well... uh... DONOT QUESTION MY MARKING SCHEME, you... uh... Notoriously Unknown person. :P
    It is true indeed. :3

    I know where you're coming from with not having a life or any real life friends, but it still doesn't lessen how great of a person you are. :D
    *Shudders* So... many dishes... I had to... wash.... So much... dirt.... and whatnot....*Shudders*

    Well, well, well, you sneaky 11 year old girl. You're doing well sneaking onto TCoD. :J For your effort, you get a 4... out of 5. (Yes, I'm being a lemon. :P)
    There's no need to be sorry, you didn't cause any trouble at all. :D

    And you seem like an amazing person yourself. :3
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