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Notoriously Unknown

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  • Ahh, "blend"; I was wondering what word to use before submitting my request.
    Speaking of which, the picture is nice, but it still looks like you cut it up in the middle unfortunately. I'll try to draw it and then show the resulting image but it'll take a very long time unless I'm in the mood to do so. :P
    And for the record, did you find the blending to be challenging? 'Cause I tend to request challenging pictures if I'm in the mood. :3

    In fact, I could do all the requests I've made. But I'm too lazy, too slow and I don't have the attention span to draw for very long depending on my mood.
    Okay, imagine the face that I asked you to refer to (you did see it, right?). All you have to do is transform his right side of the face only into that of a Buizel with a blue eye.

    That`s all I`m asking.

    And on a completely different note: I HAVE DONE IT! I HAVE MADE RICE PUDDING! :3
    Well hello there, Notoriously Unknown ^^
    Life on my side of the spectrum is pretty sweet. How're things over there on the brighter side?
    *Sighs breath of relief* Whew, that was surprising. I honestly did not know of your condition. It's surprising to me because I just met you and, well, cancer reminds me of a relative of mine who passed away from it. =( I don't wanna lose a new friend because of it.

    But enough gloominess; you deserve a glomp. *Glomps Notory*
    But its Chuck Norris; he's not awesome, he's Chuck Norris.
    Wait, you have cancer!? O.o *Is overly concerned*
    That's why I shave my beard. ;)
    But the 'stache stays; people gaze at the awesomeness that is the 'stache. :3
    Take Chuck Norris, for example: his mustache has overpowered the rest of his facial hair and claimed the entire face as it’s own. And it deflects bullets. And woos the ladies. And cures cancer.
    I'm not a silly boy, you silly girl. :3
    I'm a silly man. I've got the beard and 'stache to prove it! And can you believe I'm still 17? :P
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