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Notoriously Unknown

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  • Well I don't know much about the American school system, but my first 10 years of school were... Bleh. I was non-existant, and that suited me quite well, 'cause then at least I didn't get picked on. 6th grade was a nightmare, 7th was HELL, but I quite enjoyed 9th. Then again, that might have something to do with the fact that I switched to another school.

    He'd die because he's allergic. His eye would go all godzilla-like, his face would turn red, he'd stop breathing and then he'd die. No fun. I need my pokémon encyclopedia around! I don't know shit about the fourth generation D:
    Faaaairly obvious, yes. Any deep, meaningful reason behind your screen name, hrmn?
    OH YES CATS! o_____o Um, kittens are fluffy! They have ear fluff! I like ear fluff... Except not on humans. I had a teacher with ear fluff. And nose fluff. And finger fluff. But no fluff on his scalp.
    If we get a cat, my little brother dies 8D
    Well, some people call anything that's not entirely realistic manga. "Oh look, her eyes are slightly bigger than in real life, it must be manga!" "Oh look, he has purple hair, it must be manga!"
    Tips? Probably none you haven't heard before. Practise, practise and, uh... practise. That's the only thing I can think of.
    Oh, and make sure there's proper lighting. Otherwise your eyeballs will literally MELT! Like ice cream melts when exposed to sand! Like PIKAGOO melts when exposed to oxygen! Like a hand melts when combined with H2SO4! Seriously, make sure your lamp is bright.
    But... it's my hat. :(
    *Glomps both Skroy "Penn" Horitz & Notory; builds up electricity*
    No, Sparx, don't do it!
    That's it, you asked for it.
    *Glomps Notory.... Bad idea* Cold, cold, COLD!
    Did you get my hat back yet, Penn?
    Hey, give back my hat!
    Don't worry, Sparx, I'm on it...

    Now, Notory, give back little Sparx's hat back or FACE THE WRATH OF THE GLOMP! *Gets into glomping stance*
    You could fix it if you like. I'm gonna also draw it, using your pic as a reference, thus showing you how I pictured it (it'll take long though).

    Oh no, it flew away. =( It's rare that I get to see blue jays fly by my house.
    Ah, good thing you're keeping yourself busy. Boring days are... Well, boring.
    I haven't noticed any spelling mistakes o_____o Then again, I'm just a silly dane ^^
    I draw, yes. They look like... Uh... This, this and this. I'm not going anywhere with it, really, and I'm more into writing. I still get people calling my drawings manga. ES NOT MANGA, silly geese D:

    ... I'm eating apples!
    I never pressured you to finish the request so quickly. o.o;;
    You could've taken your time to work on the blend.

    On an unrelated note: I spotted a blue jay from my bedroom window. :P
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