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Notoriously Unknown

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  • Great! Now that the spear is locked up, give me back Sparx's cap so I can give it back to him and he can stop whining.
    *Remembers (again) that he falling down a pit*...Man, is there an end to this pit?
    Yeah, it was. God, I love that show. :DDDD
    And somebody posted it in the Cafe as well?
    *Ding!* I just got a great idea for a fanfic! Thanks for helping me Nottie!
    ... Hello? Aren't you gonna place in the fun box?
    In a minute, Smiley Spear of Doom, we flesh beings are having a conversation.
    Shall I go get the fun box and lock that darn spear in it?

    Fun box! Oh Fun Box!
    Small and Square and Dark!
    Fun box! Oh Fun Box!
    Check out these cool fun locks!
    Lese, there's this kind of purple corn stuuf, right?
    Well, somehow or another, they make it into the greatest drink ever :3

    Though the stains rarely come out >:
    *Suddenly remembers he's still falling down a pit* Oh yeah, I forgot. :P
    ... This sure is a deep pit
    I dunno *shrug*

    Aslo, I'd just sit in the corner with a drawing pad, a pencil, an a whoole lotta chica morada. Y'know me :3
    (Happyness spear? More like a SMILEY SPEAR OF DOOM! BTW... it's spelt happiness, not happyness).

    *Catches happiness spear* Hah! Miss me. :P
    Well, hello there, mate.
    You can talk?
    'Course I can, you silly man. I'm a SMILEY SPEAR OF DOOM!

    (From now on, I'm calling you Nottie [Note-TEE], because I feel like it. :3)
    *Kicks Notory down a pit*
    But... she still has my hat... =(
    *Jumps into pit to save Notory*
    O.o;; Now she's plain weird.
    *Returns with shield, armor and spear* You were asking for it. :P
    THIS... IS... WAR!!!!!!
    Uhm... I think it's series 1 episode 3, "How To Recognise Different types Of Tree From Quite A Long Way Away".
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