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Notoriously Unknown

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  • I've gone into withdrawl before. Detox...rrggh.

    (We actaully bought a giant one t'day :3 Haven't eaten it yet..Imma saving it for the last day of school :DD)
    Lucky. =P The swimming pools here aren't even open yet. =(

    ...So, whaddya wanna talk about other than House since I haven't seen much to even form a discussion? Actually, where did your username come from?


    o,o He be scary....

    (I remember actaully being scared by the CM. And most Muppets in general. 'Cept for Ernie. He was special~)
    Yes, they are old work; that Shinx drawing is the most recent one though. And thanks, I think the dragon was my best work during the time I drew it. I think I'll remove the images later just 'cause I feel like it.

    Anyway... where were you, young missy?
    None of them is that awesoem.


    Y'know, 'cause they usually kick you as soon as you're thinkin' of diving leaving you with a limb in pain before you try jumpin'.

    wtf do these kids have a radar o,o
    *patpat* Lucky. I no can swim.
    Mainly because I keep failing the swim community thing, 'cause I always miss a day, because either my hands or my leg act up that day and augh I'm not going back damnit too many eight-year olds that like kicking shins >|
    There, you happy? I've posted my "sketches".
    Well, they're not actually sketches per se; they're more like miscellaneous drawing. You may call them 'drawings', but I'm sticking with 'doodles' since I pretty much doodle them during my free time, coloring some of them when I felt the urge to do so.
    XD Love the Absol one.
    And by the way, red light and green light give you yellow! (Key word, 'light'; this is a part of physics, which I'm currently studying, and art students will most likely screw up questions involving colors!)
    HAHA! I'mma lemon! :3
    If you mix red light and a green light, what color do you get? :P

    (I'mma bored...)
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