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Notoriously Unknown

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  • ... Y'know, let's just start a new conversation before things get out of hand. *Feels uneasy*

    BTW, the first TCoD Survivor has been posted up if you haven't checked already.
    What? .... O_O
    If you're thinking what I think you're thinking, then the answer is NO! A lot of my friends at school are girls (and it's because of one of them that I'm now having an easier time growing out of my anti-social personality (she claims to have created a monster XD)). So, what I meant to say was spending a night out with my friends.
    Everybody is weird; it's a rule. :P
    And unfortunately, the lawn mowers did get to me last night; oh god, they were everywhere, I tell ya, EVERYWHERE, starting their engine and whirring their blades so they could turn me into chop suey! D; And it didn't help when some random guy with a boom box started playing that "Jaws" music as I cowered in fear in the corner of my room. But I managed to survive the night somehow.... Then again, who knows when I have to go through the horror all over again!?

    On another note, I has finished me physics exam, which in turn marks the end of my high school years- FOREVER! That's right, I'm a college boy now, but then again my status still depend on my marks during the exam (but with a 99% grade in the math exam, I highly doubt it). =D
    Anyway, NO MORE SCHOOL! WOOT! All that's left is prom and a night with the ladies. 8J

    Since you and Skroy are my only friends on here, I checked my friend page and your funbox talky tings go together!!
    Heh, oxymoron, I like that word. ^^

    Basically you're anti-social in real life? If so, join the club; then again, I'm trying to grow out of my anti-social personality, and joining this forum was a huge step in doing so. Best decision I ever made; meeting you, Zolt, Mike and a few others was the best thing to ever happen to me as of present. =DDDDDDDDDDDDDDD
    And so... what are you really like? Just curious is all... *shifts eyes*

    Oh yeah, if you check "Ctrl+V" in the forum games, you'll see the first chapter of my fanfic since I copied it. :P

    Anyway, I gotta go to sleep; I got a physics exam tomorrow (and it's the last exam. ^^). C'ya tomorrow?
    You actually knew the definition to polygamy woow o:

    But..mebbe. And then they find out, and he's stuck with one.

    The cycle continuuues o.o

    But I still get huggling, hair ruffling, and staying-on-his-back-like-a-little-Typh-leech privaleges :3
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